A Happy Professional Chooses Clients

Written by Dorene Lehavi

Many professionals do not refuse clients out of fear of losing money. However, there is another side torepparttar coin --repparttar 103445 high price ofrepparttar 103446 negative effect of accepting everyone who walks inrepparttar 103447 door. One happy professional I know, a lawyer, always has a clear view of both his service and his ideal client. Contrary torepparttar 103448 conventional notion never to turn away a client, his laser beam approach about what he offers and for whom has brought him so much business he is now inrepparttar 103449 process of hiring associates to handlerepparttar 103450 work. He has a procedure he follows to determine which clients he accepts and which he doesn’t. Everyone is afforded an interview during whichrepparttar 103451 client outlines their expectations. As a patent attorney, he describesrepparttar 103452 process,repparttar 103453 cost andrepparttar 103454 reality that after a very long period of time, probably years, of living withrepparttar 103455 case, it may not work out as they hoped. He andrepparttar 103456 client ascertain if they can live with that kind of commitment. Next, he clarifies his billing policy stating that nothing will move forward, no filing, litigation, or act of any kind without advance payment. Phone calls are billed in 12 minute increments and calls will be returned within 24 hours. He won’t tolerate foul language or any kind of abuse of his staff. Atrepparttar 103457 end of this interview, it is usually pretty clear if he andrepparttar 103458 client will be a good fit. Though my example is a lawyer, professionals in any field can benefit from this type of clarity when taking on new clients. What can you do to make your practice and life less stressful and more enjoyable when it comes to clients? Here is a suggestion: Make a list of your clients. Design a scale from 1 to 5 or another that makes sense to you. For example, rate polite and patient, reasonable expectations, provides needed information in a timely fashion, constant phone calls during late hours and weekends, abusive behavior.

10 More Ways to Increase Your Traffic and Sales

Written by Diana Barnum

10 More Ways to Increase Your Traffic And Sales With eBooks

Wouldn’t it be great to boost your website traffic and earn more income? Here are some quick tips to bring more visitors your way – and increase sales opportunities

1. Give away an eBook as a gift to your current customers as a way of letting them know you appreciate their business. Place some ads insiderepparttar eBook for products or services you're offering.

2. Get free advertising by submitting your eBook to freebie and freeware/shareware web sites. This will increaserepparttar 103444 number of people who will down- load your eBook and see your ads.

3. LEARN and EARN. Make money by selling your own eBooks. Learn from and sell eBooks written by others, branded by YOU. Join an inexpensive wholesale program already in place for this – get new eBooks to LEARN from and EARN from each month at http://presssuccess.com/wholesale

4. Hold a contest on your web site so that people can win one of your eBooks or an eBook package. Submit a contest ad to no-cost contest or sweepstakes directories.

5. You can gain valuable referrals from people telling others about your eBooks. And word of mouth advertising can be very effective.

6. Make money cross promoting your eBooks with other people's products or services. This technique can double your marketing effort with- out spending more time and money on your part. Set up an affiliate program so that other people can help you sell them and earn money inrepparttar 103445 process by signing up at a place like ProfitAuto at http://presssuccess.com/AutoPilot

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