A Full Moon’s Coming. Use Your EQ and Don’t Turn Into a Werewolf!

Written by Susan Dunn, MA, EQ and Life Coach

The full moon due onrepparttar 25th (of March) was calledrepparttar 126066 Maple Sugar Moon byrepparttar 126067 Chippewas because that’s whenrepparttar 126068 sap flowedrepparttar 126069 freest. According torepparttar 126070 Celts, it’srepparttar 126071 Nuinne, whose purpose is The Weighing of Truth.

Our ancestors were vitally interested inrepparttar 126072 celestial bodies and studied them carefully because they needed to know when to plant and when to harvest. Some cultures, likerepparttar 126073 Chinese andrepparttar 126074 Celts, even based their calendar onrepparttar 126075 lunar year.

Full moons always had particular fascination – if nothing else, they’re hard to miss – and they figure in folklore from many cultures. They’re associated with everything from werewolves, torepparttar 126076 pull ofrepparttar 126077 tides, to increased crimes of violence, torepparttar 126078 lunacy of falling in love and other aberrant behavior. Well, “lunatic” comes fromrepparttar 126079 Latin word forrepparttar 126080 moon, “luna.”

The full moon is also thought to bring on childbirth. According to at least one hospital administrator, it’s not a myth. In “Moonstruck?” written by reporter Robert Lovinger, Debbie Raposo, director of women’s and children’s health at St. Luke’s Hospital in New Bedford, atrepparttar 126081 timerepparttar 126082 article was written, said she’d actually tried to staff her maternity unit with that in mind.

“Clearly, more babies are born aroundrepparttar 126083 full moon,” Raposo was quoted as saying.

A statistical analysis of her hospital showed a correlation, though other studies have not found statistical relevance. See: http://www.s-t.com/daily/01-99/01-31-99/e01li135.htm . In fact, most scientific research disproves any lunar effects on behavior. I. W. Kelly, professor of educational psychology atrepparttar 126084 U. of Saskatchewan and chairman ofrepparttar 126085 Committee forrepparttar 126086 Scientific Investigation of Claims ofrepparttar 126087 Paranormal did some research back in 1986 onrepparttar 126088 lunar effect in collaboration with an astronomer from Colorado State University. His meta-analysis (a study of studies) found too many statistical errors inrepparttar 126089 original studies. Back Kelly came in 1996, along with Rotton and Culver, to studyrepparttar 126090 lunar effects onrepparttar 126091 homicide rate, traffic accident, calls torepparttar 126092 police and fire department, domestic violence, birth of babies, suicides, assassinations, casino payout rates, kidnappings, aggression by pro hockey players, violence in prisons, major disasters, agitated behavior by nursing home residents, assaults, alcoholism, and more. They found no significant correlations. See: http://skepdic.com/fullmoon.html .

Why is it, then, that people inrepparttar 126093 trenches, like bartenders, ER physicians, maternity nurses, policemen and psychiatrists (at least one has written a book called “The Lunar Effect”), and my next door neighbor all attest torepparttar 126094 fact that things hop up aroundrepparttar 126095 time of a full moon? And why is it inrepparttar 126096 folklore? Is there something we know intuitively about it?

Raposo saidrepparttar 126097 psychiatric ward at her hospital noticedrepparttar 126098 same effect, andrepparttar 126099 local police captain atrepparttar 126100 time, one Capt. Paul Cardalino, noted that “during full moons, it seems there are more problems with family disputes domestic violence, and people who are unstable.”

A minister friend of mine said she “knew”repparttar 126101 full moon affected people because she’d worked in an old folks’ home. “They kept trying to get out when there was a full moon,” she told me, “and we’d find them wanderingrepparttar 126102 streets if we didn’t lockrepparttar 126103 doors.”

There’s at least one study confirming -- Dr. Leiber’s study (J Clin Psychiatry. 1978. May 39(5): 385-92), postulates “the existence of a biological rhythm of human aggression which resonates withrepparttar 126104 lunar synodic cycle.” Interesting that this isrepparttar 126105 study that finds that psychiatric emergency room visits decline aroundrepparttar 126106 full moon. (This isn’t necessarily good news though, folks; those who enterrepparttar 126107 P-ER are there to get help. If they aren’t there, where are they and what are they doing?)

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Nightmare After The Ordeal

Written by Michael G. Rayel, MD

Sarah is a 28 y/o accountant who had a traumatic past that she kept to herself. At age 15, she was grabbed by a masked man while she was jogging in a park. The man threatened to kill her with a knife and brutally raped her. She screamed but nobody seemed to have heard her.

Since that time, Sarah has developed nightmares about being raped or killed. In most days, she has suffered from flashbacks of her being attacked. Each time she watches TV shows that remind her ofrepparttar incident, she gets scared, overwhelmed, and becomes agitated. At times, she develops anxiety attacks, palpitations, sweating, and restlessness.

Sincerepparttar 126065 attack, Sarah can hardly trust people. As a result, her relationships have profoundly suffered. More recently, she’s been depressed and feeling hopeless. She hasn’t been sleeping and eating well. Her inattention has negatively impacted her work.

Based onrepparttar 126066 above symptoms, Sarah is most likely suffering from Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). What exactly is PTSD?

PTSD is a psychiatric disorder characterized by avoidance, hypervigilance, emotional difficulties, and recall behavior such as flashbacks and nightmares after a traumatic event such as rape, war, vehicular accident, or natural disasters. Recent researches have shown that after a trauma, biochemical changes develop inrepparttar 126067 brain that can result in psychological signs as shown above.

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