A Few Simple Facts About Purple MartinsWritten by Cedar Creek Woodshop
Purple Martins are largest member of swallow family. However, in flight their wings are more triangular than other swallows.Males are a handsome lot having a violet head and body with black on wing and tail. Females, youngsters, and first year males are light bellied and look very similar to smaller swallows. The song of a martin is a distinctive, low pitched liquid rolling twitter and is unmistakeable. Purple Martins have been known to build their nests in cavities of dead or dying trees, holes in cliffs, or just about anywhere from 3 to 30 feet high. But most popular nesting place for martin is in your own back yard int houses you construct and put up for them. Their nests are made from leaves, grass, straw and twigs and eggs are white and unmarked. Purple Martins feed on a variety of flying insects, flies, bees, beetles, flying ants and moths, and here in south, dreaded mosquito!!
| | Backyard PondsWritten by Robert Dorrance
Backyard ponds are a great source of fun and enjoyment. With them come all kinds of different nature. From fish and all of other wildlife, to all different pond plants and flowers. It truly is a relaxing hobby, once you get it all set up.Backyard ponds are not extremely hard to build, and once you do, they’re pretty easy to take care of. The hardest part, by far, is digging of pond. Depending on what kind of soil you have in your region will determine how difficult it would be. The kind of pond to have is entirely up to you. From a small preformed one, to one that’s several thousand gallons that needs a liner, or anything in between. Try and picture where you sit most while you’re outside. Now picture where a great place to put a pond would be. Is it a flat area? Is it close to an electrical supply? Is it close to a water source? These are just some of questions you need to answer, if you’re going to have one of these backyard ponds.