A Chilly Birthday Cake for Those Hot Birthdays

Written by Peter Griffiths

It is traditional in most western countries, to celebrate a birthday with some sort of feast. The most celebrated item is of courserepparttar cake. After all if there is no cake, it’s not a birthday party!

Ok, now when we think of a birthday cake we most often think of something that has been baked. But there are many other alternatives that can add interest, appeal, excitement, fun andrepparttar 110154 most important of all….the yum factor.

Where I live, we have lots of hot weather….and what do kids love on a hot day…Ice-cream of course.

So what types of wonderfully exciting ice-cream cakes can we make?

You need to decide just how much time, effort and money you want invest in it. You could makerepparttar 110155 ice-cream or just buy it; you can do it yourself or delegate it. You could getrepparttar 110156 kids to help. Whatever you do, you must give some thought to whatrepparttar 110157 guests will enjoy.

Personally, my time is very limited, so quick and easy really appeals.

Here isrepparttar 110158 easiest recipe I know.

Choc Cherry Challenge (The challenge is to work quickly enough so that you do not have liquid icecream….the other challenge is not to eat it all by yourself)

You will need: 1-2 cans of preserved, pitted cherries, drained well, reserverepparttar 110159 juice Gelatine powder 1 tub of vanilla ice-cream, softened slightly. Your favorite chocolate sauce (how much is entirely up to you)


Step one Followingrepparttar 110160 instructions onrepparttar 110161 gelatine packet, make a jello withrepparttar 110162 juice and gelatine powder, usingrepparttar 110163 juice asrepparttar 110164 liquid. Pour into a chilled spring form cake tin; lightly sprayed with a non-stick cooking spray. Refrigerate until set.(approx 1 hour) This layer should only be about ¼ to ½ inch thick.

Feeding Kids

Written by Andrea Putting N.D

Feeding Kids

Feeding kids is a battle most parents know about. How do you get them to eat good healthy food

The important thing is not to stress when they don’t want to eat. Small children, in particular, follow their instincts when it comes to eating. Sometimes they need a lot; sometimes they just don’t need much. Trying to bribe them with things that aren’t a normal part of their diet, inrepparttar long run, will do more harm than good.

Food can soon become a source of power forrepparttar 110152 young child, a way of getting what they want, a way of manipulating you. Never use food as a bribe.

When offering different foods to a child, just so they will eat something,repparttar 110153 idea of not listening to your bodies needs is introduced. We are on our way to developing fussy eaters. A vicious cycle has begun.

I have heard of many different eating patterns of children, and it is obvious where these eating patterns have begun. One family,repparttar 110154 children wouldn’t eat vegetables unless they were smothered in honey. You must ask “Where did they getrepparttar 110155 idea of putting honey on their vegetables inrepparttar 110156 first place?” Other kids won’t eat anything but junk food; they have to have their daily supply of chips and/or lollies.

Getting your children to eat a good healthy diet very much depends on you. They will learn from you and eat what you eat. The best way to ensure that they are not filling up on unhealthy food is simply, not to have it inrepparttar 110157 house. If you like to have a little treat, make it that. Have one “treat" once a week. Make it special, not an everyday occurrence.

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