million-dollar question and one you should think about and consider very carefully. Whether you have just left one of
educational facilities to start your working career, or decided to change your career. There is a very important question that you must ask yourself and that question is. 'What do I get out of a career?'
It is only a small question when you read it but it covers a multitude of factors. There are many important factors that you must take into consideration concerning your career. Every one of these factors must be judged on their own merit. No one is more important than
next and none of these factors can be, dismissed.
Do you realise that eighty per cent of
work force is working in careers that will not give them
job satisfaction they are seeking. Unfortunately it is a fact of life that every single day of
week, thousands of people all over
world resign from their jobs, only to try somewhere else, and so
cycle and frustration starts all over again.
Unless you find an occupation that you love and are enthusiastic about, you are on a never-ending treadmill going nowhere, only becoming increasingly disillusioned. Which can have a knock on effect, not only in your working environment but also in your social life as well? To have a full and rewarding life you must find a career that is
right one for you.
So what are these important factors?
The first and obvious benefit for yourself is
wage you collect at
end of each week or month. However, should that be your main and only consideration?
The answer to that question is a big and resounding NO!
There is a very good and logical reason for
above statement and that is. You may find a career that pay's you very well, but AT WHAT COST TO YOURSELF. It is no good having a career that has a great salary, if getting that salary exacts too high a price from you. That high price can come in a number of ways, but
main two are stress and long hours.
Only recently has stress been recognised as a disease by doctors and employers.
This alone accounts for millions of lost working hours every year. Stress brought on in any form does not appear like a cold or flu. It is more devious than that and creeps up on you mainly without you knowing it. Stress can come out in various ways like making you bad tempered. You cannot sleep properly so you are continually tired; you go off your food so do not have a balanced diet.
Is very similar to stress,
only difference is you are continuously tired. The other major factor is because you are always tired your powers of concentration are at there lowest.
To earn a good salary means having no money worries, and so you will be able to afford a good standard of living. We would all like a big fat paycheque at
end of each week or month. However, as
old saying goes 'money is not everything'. It is no good having a big salary if you are too ill or tired to enjoy
So where do you begin to find
career that is
right one for you?
When doing
following exercise do not force yourself to come up with
answers. Let them come to you naturally, do not force yourself to think. Do not worry if it takes you a day or two to get your list completed and finalised. However, be sure to write down any answers that do come to you. At this stage do not worry about qualifications or anything else, but under no circumstances let anybody influence you when you are doing this exercise.
Your first step is to find somewhere where you are comfortable. Sitting propped up on your bed for instance. Then take some deep breaths to relax and clear your mind. Once you feel totally relaxed, take a sheet of paper and write in your neatest handwriting, at
top of
page, MY CAREER.
Underneath that write: -
Write down where you would be happiest working. Break it down, for instance would you like to work outdoors, or indoors. Then break it down further, think where you would like to be for eight hours a day, a factory, a shop, or on a farm. For instance if you like
outdoor life, working in an office or factory will drive you nuts.
Next sub heading is: -
Write down what you would like your duties to be, i.e. looking after animals, meeting people, tending
sick (a nurse for instance). Travelling, helping
armed services,
emergency services. It may turn out that you would like a combination of more than one thing. For instance travelling and meeting people as a holiday representative.
Next sub heading is: -
Think of what hours you would like to work, do you prefer working nine to five, office hours. Would you prefer to work a shift pattern. However, bear in mind that this shift pattern covers all seven days with your days off rotating. Therefore, working weekend is definitely part of
equation, so think of your social life. Some companies may let you work at home providing you do
work in
allotted time scale. You may want to be self-employed and work
hours to suit yourself.
Next sub heading is: -
Think of what type of clothes you feel most comfortable in. Do you like to dress smartly; therefore, your tendency would be towards an office career of some description. Do you like
idea of wearing a uniform as in say
police, fire brigade, security officer or nurse? On
other hand, you may prefer to be in casual cloths like jeans and a tee shirt.
Next sub heading is: -
Think of
position you would like to achieve in your career. For instance would you like to get to
very top of your profession, or would you be happier at a lower level. Do you have ambitions of owning your own company some day? Do not worry about what qualifications you will need at this point. I will come to that later. The important thing for you right now is to establish how far you want to go in your career, nothing else. For argument sake if you would like to work indoors helping people, you may be thinking of a career as a nurse. OK so you are going to be a nurse, what type of nurse. Theatre nurses, a ward sister, a matron, do not limit your aspirations under any circumstances.
Next sub heading is: -
This is a very important topic and one you should give your full attention. While you where at school or college your mind has been programmed to seek out knowledge. It is imperative that this seeking of knowledge is carried forward into your career, for two very good reasons.
1) Remember
one hundred and ten percent concentration I spoke about earlier when discussing long hours. Well to keep that concentration going, your mind must be interested in
work you are doing. If it is not, then it will start to wonder because you are bored. 2)If you have nothing to stimulate your mind, it will very quickly get into passive mode. What do I mean by passive mode? Well you will carry out your duties using just enough of your brain to do so. The rest of your brain will promptly go to sleep. This is an accident waiting to happen.