A Brief Overview Of Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Written by Kirsten Whittaker

IBS or Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a condition effecting up to 20% ofrepparttar population andrepparttar 149341 numbers are rising. There are more women sufferers than men andrepparttar 149342 age that it commonly starts is at around twenty. It is classed as a ‘functional’ disorder as it altersrepparttar 149343 wayrepparttar 149344 body works and therefore is not diagnosable using traditional means such as examination or blood test.

It is not a commonly understood condition, withrepparttar 149345 medical community unable to clarifyrepparttar 149346 exact cause. IBS appears to occur due torepparttar 149347 body’s inability to regulaterepparttar 149348 bowel functions correctly. This leads to a number of unpleasant symptoms such as abdominal pain, cramping, excessive wind and irregular bowel movements including constipation and/or diarrhoea. However, there are treatments available to allow sufferers to manage their symptoms.

If you start to notice irregular bowel movements or suffer prolonged abdominal discomfort you could be suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Keeping a diary to monitor food intake, exercise and stress levels is a good idea to track anything that may exacerbate your symptoms. When diagnosing IBS your medical practitioner will ask you for a general history of your bowel movements so keeping records will come in handy.

Certain foods are also recognized as triggers for IBS, such as fatty foods, caffeine and dairy products. Keeping a food diary will help you identify if eating these foods cause your symptoms to flare up and you can eliminate them in line with advice from your doctor.

A Vital Tool For Your Fitness Success

Written by Gregg Gillies

A Training Diary is a Vital Tool For Your Fitness Success

I know you've heard this before and it seems "basic". But it is an important key to success. And apparently, it isn't heard enough because I'd say less than 1% ofrepparttar people I see inrepparttar 149340 gym keep track of their workout.

An essential part ofrepparttar 149341 organization needed to get each workout day right is a training diary. At its most basic minimum this is a written record of reps and poundage for every work set you do and an evaluation of each workout so that you can stay alert to warning signs of overtraining.

After each workout reflect on your evaluation and, when necessary, make adjustments to avoid falling foul of overtraining.

A training diary or journal is indispensable for keeping you on track for training success. No matter where you are now — 180-pound squat or 500, 13-inch arms or 17, 135-pound bench press or 350 —repparttar 149342 systematic organization and focus on achieving goals that a training journal enforces will help you to get bigger, stronger, and leaner.

As simple as it is to use a training log, do not underestimate its vital role in helping you achieve your fitness goals. Most trainees are aware that they should record their workouts in a permanent way, but few actually do it.

And even those trainees who keep some sort of training log usually fail to exploit its full potential benefits. This is one ofrepparttar 149343 major reasons why most trainees get minimal results from their training.

Your training journal is extremely important and should be more than just a list of weights, sets and rep.

When used properly, a training journal enforcesrepparttar 149344 organization needed to get each work-out right, week after week, month after month and year after year. By recording your poundages and reps, you log your entire training program andrepparttar 149345 week-by-week breakdown of how you work throughrepparttar 149346 routine (s) in each training cycle inrepparttar 149347 journal.

A training log eliminates reliance upon memory. There will be no, "Did I squat eight reps with 330 pounds at my last squat workout, or was it seven?" Refer to your journal and you will see precisely what you did last time—i.e., what you need to improve on if you are to make your next workout a step forward.

With a well-kept and detailed journal, you'll know with absolute certainty what is working in your program and what doesn't. Are you stagnating? Not makingrepparttar 149348 progress you want? Go back and consult your journal at a time that you were making fantastic progress? What were you doing then that you are not doing now?

You must be 100 percent honest when entering data. Recordrepparttar 149349 quality of your reps. If you did five good ones butrepparttar 149350 sixth needed a tad of help from a training partner, do not record all six as if they were done under your own steam. Recordrepparttar 149351 ones you did alone, but noterepparttar 149352 assisted rep as only a half rep.

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