A Brief Overview Of Colitis

Written by Kirsten Whittaker

Colitis, more formally known as Ulcerative Colitis, is an inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). It can be difficult to diagnose because ofrepparttar similarity of symptoms to other intestinal disorders and IBDs such as Crohn's disease. The main difference is that Crohn's disease causes inflammation deeper withinrepparttar 150471 intestinal wall and usually occurs inrepparttar 150472 small intestine, although it can occur anyway alongrepparttar 150473 digestive tract from mouth to anus, whereas Colitis causes inflammation and ulcers inrepparttar 150474 lining ofrepparttar 150475 large intestine. The inflammation is usually found inrepparttar 150476 rectum and lower portion ofrepparttar 150477 colon, but it can effectrepparttar 150478 entire colon.

Colitis can affect people of any age, but generally symptoms start between 15 and 30. Children and teenagers sometimes developrepparttar 150479 disease but it is less common, as are sufferers over 50. The inflammation withinrepparttar 150480 intestines causes diarrhea, asrepparttar 150481 colon empties more frequently. Ulcers appear whererepparttar 150482 inflammation has killedrepparttar 150483 cells liningrepparttar 150484 colon, which then bleed and produce pus.

Like Crohn’s disease,repparttar 150485 cause of Colitis has yet to be determined. The current thinking is that it’s a reaction byrepparttar 150486 immune system to a virus or bacterium. People suffering with colitis tend to have abnormal immune systems, but what is unclear is whether this isrepparttar 150487 cause or an effect ofrepparttar 150488 disease. It has been proven, however that Colitis is not caused by stress or through food allergies, however these factors may in fact be a trigger for some people already suffering withrepparttar 150489 disease.

Get More Out Of Life While Managing Your Diabetes

Written by Brandon C. Hall

When I was first diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes atrepparttar age of 21, I had not givenrepparttar 150470 first thought to living a healthy diabetic lifestyle. As far as I was concerned, a healthy lifestyle was reserved only for fitness junkies and overweight moms.

I didn't know squat aboutrepparttar 150471 benefits and overall happiness a healthy lifestyle would lead to. I was perfectly content eating frozen pizza, smoking cigarettes, and binge drinking on a regular basis. After I was diagnosed with diabetes, I had a lengthy discussion with my doctor that resulted in an epiphany, "Everything I love is killing me!"

First, we'll define what I mean by healthy lifestyle. When I askedrepparttar 150472 question, "What is a healthy lifestyle?”repparttar 150473 common answer seemed to be, "Don't smoke, don't drink, eat only vegetables and protein, and make sure to exercise every day."

My first thought was, "You can give that crap right back torepparttar 150474 birds." I was 21, loved to party, and absolutely chock full of testosterone.

The ideas, practices, and benefits a healthy lifestyle provided sounded great for managing my diabetes, but I sure didn't likerepparttar 150475 idea of my social life falling offrepparttar 150476 face ofrepparttar 150477 planet. Believing inrepparttar 150478 power of moderation, I made some compromises with my disease:

1. Smoking

I quit smoking cigarettes and only smoked cigars on special occasions such as bachelor parties, Super Bowls, orrepparttar 150479 birth of my first child. That last part was a joke. After many years of searching, special occasions arerepparttar 150480 only reason I can find to put nicotine or smoke of any kind in your body.

2. Drinking

For me, this was a big one. I'm not reallyrepparttar 150481 type of guy that likes to meet girls at church, and school was not really an option for me, but drinking was all my friends and I did. As a result, drinking alcohol (sadly enough) was a major component of my social life. From that day forward, I laid down some basic rules.

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