A 't-crossing' 'i-dotter' - Is This You?

Written by Gordon Bryan

When you make plans for your future, do you try to cross every ‘t’, and dot every ‘I’?

If so, welcome torepparttar party!

I do it, everyone tends to, but it can lead you down so many blind alleys, you won’t know which way to turn! (Ok, I’m not sure that analogy works either, but stay with me, I’m carrying on!) Here’s why it can be disastrous to be a ‘t-crosser’

Firstly, you are unlikely to manage it. You are trying to map a safe route for yourself, guaranteed from start to finish. In theory you are trying to cover allrepparttar 130716 bases, to create a contingency plan for every possibility.

This is an impossible task, at some point your logic will reach an impasse, and you will just give up. That’s assuming you even got that far!

Secondly, if you set out on your task with a picture which is too rigid or inflexible, you will allow opportunities to pass you by, just because they weren’t in your blueprint.

It may be that one of those passed opportunities wasrepparttar 130717 one that would have fast tracked you to your goal.

1 Part Of Tomorrow You Can Always Control

Written by Gordon Bryan

‘Surely you can’t control tomorrow, you don’t even know what’s going to happen!’

Oooh, good comeback!

Ok, here’s what I mean…

Obviously I don’t know what’s going to happen to me tomorrow, and I certainly don’t know what’s going to happen to you! It isn’t possible to always control our circumstances, but we can *always* control how we react.

We can either react in a positive or negative way.

Although that sounds simplistic, it’s actually true. Our instant reaction may change once we considerrepparttar situation at hand.

More often than not, an instant reaction that is positive, will *stay* positive after reflection. An instant reaction that is negative, however, can be changed most ofrepparttar 130713 time to a positive one.

This isn’t something that comes easily, and it needs some good old practice. It’s well worthrepparttar 130714 effort though, because in time it will become second nature to put a positive spin on things. A positive outlook becomes a powerful habit, andrepparttar 130715 rewards are great indeed.

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