A $2.95 Road Trip, Complete With Souvenirs

Written by Bonnie Jo Davis

"Hey, I didn't know you were a writer, I thought you were a Virtual Assistant."

No matter how many times I hear this comment it still surprises me. I learned early on that writing was one ofrepparttar most lucrative services that I could offer in my virtual assistance business, not to mention an incredible means of free marketing.

I have discovered a valuable resource for writing assignments and other types of work. The Freelance Work Exchange is an innovative web site that incorporates nearly every aspect ofrepparttar 103779 freelance process. It featuresrepparttar 103780 components with which you are familiar as well as those for which you may not have an accurate understanding, and quite possibly, some aspects about which you have never even heard.

As with most legitimate professional freelance web sites, membership at http://tinyurl.com/3v69r is on a paid basis. In this case, membership is paid on a monthly basis atrepparttar 103781 standard rate of $29.95 per month. You may feel this is excessive especially since you don't know exactly whatrepparttar 103782 value of membership is actually going to deliver for you.

Since this isrepparttar 103783 perspective ofrepparttar 103784 average person, me included,repparttar 103785 Freelance Work Exchange has a solution for addressing your questions directly. And no, you don't have to submit an e-mail with a list of questions and then wait for a reply. All you have to do is take advantage ofrepparttar 103786 Freelance Work Exchange's valuable test drive.

For only $2.95 you can literally test driverepparttar 103787 Freelance Work Exchange with a 7-day temporary membership. Unlike most other trial memberships that offer very limited access and no access at all to members' only features,repparttar 103788 Freelance Work Exchange gives yourepparttar 103789 run ofrepparttar 103790 road. In other words, you don't just get to drive it aroundrepparttar 103791 block; you get to actually make a real road trip with your temporary membership.

Guess what? The Freelance Work Exchange even gives you some souvenirs to make your road trip worth your while. Here's what your $2.95 is going to net you, even if you decide atrepparttar 103792 end ofrepparttar 103793 7-day trial that one trip was enough for you.

* Unlimited 24/7 Access to Professional Members Area

For 7 days, you're going to be able to explore and take advantage of each component ofrepparttar 103794 Professional Members Area atrepparttar 103795 Freelance Work Exchange. This doesn't mean that you get to read about them, but that you get to make full use of each member's only component.

* Freelance Job Report

You will receive immediate access torepparttar 103796 current issue of this Freelance Work Exchange professional edition bi-weekly newsletter, which is a paid subscription. Each issue features career advice and strategies as well as hot freelance job opportunities.

* The Jobs Database

Okay, sorepparttar 103797 Freelance Work Exchange has a freelance job bank, but so do other freelance web sites. However, this site actually allows you to use your test drive to go throughrepparttar 103798 process of finding projects and applying for them. This will give you a good idea of howrepparttar 103799 site works for you without an ongoing commitment.

Categories in The Jobs Database include:

* Writing, Editing and Proofreading * Design & Illustration * Programming & Software Development * Consultancy * Administrative & Miscellaneous * Work-at-Home

* Million Dollar Freelancing

The Freelance Work Exchange publishes this valuable freelancer's publication feature in serialized format. A perk that you receive as a temporary member is a free subscription offer. You'll receive this innovative publication in chapter-by-chapter format delivered directly to your e-mail address.

If you decide that Million Dollar Freelancing offers no value to you, you can simply discontinue your subscription anytime you choose. The Freelance Work Exchange will promptly remove you from this subscriber list.

* Featured Freelance Listing

The Freelance Work Exchange offers all its membersrepparttar 103800 opportunity to purchase a "feature" listing as a freelancer forrepparttar 103801 price of $50.00 for a 1-month listing or $100.00 for a 3-month listing. This same offer is available to you as a temporary member. If you purchase a Featured Freelance Listing and decide not to continue with a monthly membership, you still haverepparttar 103802 benefit of having your professional profile featured forrepparttar 103803 period for which you purchased it.

* Freelance Billing Rates

A common issue among freelance writers and service providers is how to determine rates for professional services. Freelance Work Exchange has reduced it to black and white for you. Taken directly fromrepparttar 103804 U.S. Department of Labor is a chart featuring average rates for various professional services. For some specific freelance services, there is an indicated range of from low to high.

True, you can find this information yourself for free atrepparttar 103805 U.S. DOL's web site, but you will have to dig for it. The Freelance Work Exchange has donerepparttar 103806 digging for you.

* Gold Seal of Professional Membership

As a supportive service to its professional members,repparttar 103807 Freelance Work Exchange has published a Freelance Code of Practice for which it has also created an image or graphics design. Your temporary membership entitles you to post this Gold Seal of Professional Membership directly at your own web site, provided that you are also willing to link torepparttar 103808 Freelance Code of Practice.

What better way to declare your professional status than by associating yourself with a highly recognizable Gold Seal of Professional Membership? It will add a significant recognition factor of your professional expertise.

How to market your home business inexpensively or for free

Written by A.M. Wilmot

There are a number ways you can go about marketing your website, many of which are quite inexpensive. Effectively marketing your Home website is vital to your ultimate success. In fact,repparttar key to growing a business, and particularly a new Home Business, is marketing. Once you have a domain name (which can be bought for as little as $7 these days) and a reliable host (as little as $5 a month for reasonable one), you can get going on promoting your business onrepparttar 103778 Net. This can be done for free in some cases if you are willing to spendrepparttar 103779 extra time onrepparttar 103780 project. If you are unwilling to do this, you can pay someone to optimize your site and promote it for you, which is generally cost effective. It is possible, however to promote your business online with no marketing budget. The key is to market it aggressively, guerilla marketing style. This means using every free marketing resource at your disposal, such as free classifieds, newsgroups, search engine promotion, niche directories, free-for-alls, message and bulletin boards and free mailing lists and ezines, to name just a few. Just don't spam. There are many free resources throughoutrepparttar 103781 web covering these free resources. You can sign up for their free newsletters or look for their websites using your favorite search engine. Speaking of search engines, most ofrepparttar 103782 traffic onrepparttar 103783 internet still comes fromrepparttar 103784 free engines such as Google, despite a recent influx of pay per click or pay per performance search engines such as Overture and Kanoodle.

Offline marketing methods are usually covered inrepparttar 103785 "starter kit" of your Home Business and includes such methods such as distributing newsletters with your product or service and contact number listed inside, trade shows, brochures, flyers, advertising in either local or regional newspapers and/or "penny savers", and passing out audio cassetes about your product or business to others who might be interested. The potential marketing techniques are almost limitless and it may be best to look to your "starter kit" or starter guide as it will probably go into great detail about which offline marketing methods have been proven to work best in that particular product or line of business. The bottom line is, action always beats inaction, as you gain experience and create a synergy that push your Home Business to your goals.

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