Written by Maureen Metcalf

As we reel fromrepparttar news ofrepparttar 149705 recent bombings in London, England, it is incumbent upon all of us to examine, seriously, why such attacks by Islamic Extremists are occurring. We cannot combat what we do not understand, let alone try to wage an effective war against such an insidious enemy. First of all, it must be pointed out that this terrorist war againstrepparttar 149706 West is not simplyrepparttar 149707 random acts of extremist thugs. Rather, we are dealing with a well-orchestrated jihad that has clearly defined purpose. The goal ofrepparttar 149708 terrorists is toward Islamic world domination throughrepparttar 149709 annihilation of Israel, and eventually to dismantle all forms of governance who they perceive to be democratic or "Christian." The strategy to reach this goal is not a recent phenomenon, but has been on-going for many years; and insidiousness inrepparttar 149710 form of gorilla attacks is one of their most effective tactics. ie. The terrorist attacks have been on-going inrepparttar 149711 Middle East since before Israel became a nation in 1948, and continue daily right up torepparttar 149712 present by avowed Islamic organizations who desire to annihilate Israel from repparttar 149713 world map. If we have any hope to eliminaterepparttar 149714 terrorist threat, we must start withrepparttar 149715 terrorism being perpetrated against Israel, becauserepparttar 149716 terrorist groups active inrepparttar 149717 Middle East are interconnected with what is transpiring world-wide. "Firstrepparttar 149718 Saturday people, thenrepparttar 149719 Sunday people" is not simply an extremist slogan, but is a strategy of war having two pincher-prongs, and we just witnessed one prong of this strategy in action yesterday in London. Meanwhile,repparttar 149720 other prong is being clamped onrepparttar 149721 world inrepparttar 149722 Middle and Far East, and Africa. But has anyone honestly been paying attention torepparttar 149723 threats inrepparttar 149724 Middle East, and particularly in Israel, as recently as this week? Has anyone been followingrepparttar 149725 on-going diatribes by Islamic Imams in Iran, Syria, in Israel, and even in London? Has anyone taken note ofrepparttar 149726 content ofrepparttar 149727 Palestinian TV programs directed toward Arab youth, orrepparttar 149728 programs ofrepparttar 149729 Palestinian summer camps set up in honor of shahids? Has anyone taken note that atrepparttar 149730 same time, Christians are under constant Islamic threat, attack, and persecution in Indonesia, Pakistan, Iran, Darfur, Nigeria, and many other nations with a strong, large Islamic population, while their leaders appear to decry such? These all appear to be disconnected events, but are they? To understand, we need only read recent comments byrepparttar 149731 leaders of Hamas, Hizbullah, and Islamic Jihad, regarding their goals. Unfortunately, this information is not available through our main-stream media inrepparttar 149732 West. Although it is easily found, our media dutifully chooses to ignorerepparttar 149733 sources, torepparttar 149734 peril of all of us. It is timerepparttar 149735 politicians inrepparttar 149736 West, andrepparttar 149737 general public, became informed. We need to set aside our "separation of religion and state" attitude in dealing with world problems, becauserepparttar 149738 Islamic Jihad forces do not operate in such a mode! They have no qualms about harbouring animosity against those of other faiths. They are NOT in favour of multiculturalism and peaceful co-existence! The sooner we recognize this,repparttar 149739 better, because our lofty democratic attitudes, although great on paper, fall apart when dealing with ideologies that do not embrace our politically-correct ideals. Our media is influenced by our own idealism. And our understanding of our avowed enemies is severely hampered byrepparttar 149740 public lack of information. Our westernized view ofrepparttar 149741 world from our insulated democratic towers can no longer provide security, but is actually tying our hands, and endangering our citizens. We are not dealing with a passing tempest in a teapot, nor with madmen. The forces behindrepparttar 149742 jihad are intelligent, andrepparttar 149743 planning and execution of their attacks is brilliant. Their motivation is unadulterated religious-political fervour. The sooner we understand this,repparttar 149744 better! Why is Palestinian leader Abbas accused of being weak by his rivals, yet is being courted byrepparttar 149745 West? Is he, in fact, weak? Or, is there a strategy of deception going on? Abbas has no intention of totally disarmingrepparttar 149746 terrorists, even though he

Edward Abington: political prostitute

Written by David Ben-Ariel

"The American Diplomat in Arafat's Corner," published in The Jerusalem Report, came as no surprise to me. It was referring to Edward Abington, Jr.,repparttar United States' former consul general in Jerusalem who is now "guidingrepparttar 149686 Palestinians throughrepparttar 149687 labyrinths of Washington. And his firm is being paid $2.25 million for his expertise."

Allowrepparttar 149688 following information to shed light on his less than faithful service to American taxpayers:

"Dear Congresswoman Kaptur: Thank you for your valuable assistance in my pursuit of justice! It's wonderfully refreshing to see some public servants truly helping out their fellow Americans.

It's obvious from Mr. Abington, Jr.'s letter to you that he has strongly held political views that prefersrepparttar 149689 continued occupation of JUDAISM'S MOST HOLY SITE -repparttar 149690 Temple Mount - by militant Muslims. Such radical views enablerepparttar 149691 Muslim extremists to continue to pose a threat to religious Jews and Christians who merely hope to pray onrepparttar 149692 site...

However historically or biblically inaccurate Mr. Abington, Jr's views are, I believe he is entitled to them. I do not believe his personal views ought to interfere with his public duty. It appears he has DELIBERATELY IGNORED every relevant FACT that PROVED my arrest amounted to political and religious PERSECUTION.

As honestly reported in The Jerusalem Post article he referred to, I wasn't 6 different SECRET SERVICEMEN aboutrepparttar 149693 TEMPLE MOUNT because of an "expired visa!" I charged Ms. Leech (his assistant) with complicity in their unjust actions against me for going along with their lie that my visa was expired and for turning a blind eye to their undemocratic ways. I'd given her a letter for Mr. Abington, Jr. to PROTEST MY POLITICAL ABUSE AND RELIGIOUS MISTREATMENT. Since he never bothered to respond, I'm not sure he even received it.

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