Written by M. H. “Mac" McIntosh

One key discipline of successful direct marketing has been to test marketing communications tactics to continually improve results. There is now an alarming trend according to a recent survey that we conducted among business-to-business marketers who are readers of Sales Lead Report.

Only 24% ofrepparttar marketing professionals surveyed said they usually or always test their marketing communications tactics before rolling them out.

The survey was completed by 280 of 940 subscribers who received and read a special edition ofrepparttar 120468 enewsletter Sales Lead Report.

When asked if they test marketing communications tactics before rolling them out:

Less than 5% (4.5%) said they always test; Less than 20% (19.5%) said they usually test; 27% reported they occasionally test; Nearly 34% (33.7%) said they seldom test; 15% (15.2%) said they never test.

In other words, nearly half ofrepparttar 120469 survey participants (48.9%) said that they seldom or never test marketing communications tactics before rolling out their campaigns.

When asked aboutrepparttar 120470 reasons for not testing:

More than 50% (50.7%) said they had no time for testing; Almost a quarter of those surveyed (24.8%) said they had no budget for testing; More than 16% (16.3%) said they had no systems for tracking test results; Just over 8% (8.2%) said they had no need for testing.

You Can't Direct the Wind but You Can Adjust the Sails

Written by Dan Hamilton

Dear Friend,

Today I would like to provide you with a new perspective and new insights to help you define effective marketing strategies and tactics that will insurerepparttar growth of your online business.

First of all, let's take a look atrepparttar 120467 meaning ofrepparttar 120468 word "metamorphosis" and how it can possibly be of interest to marketing.

Metamorphosis: Noun (plural metamorphoses - say metuh´mawfuhseez) … “the change of form, structure, or substance, as transformation;repparttar 120469 structural or functional modification of a plant organ or structure during its development.”

Applied to marketing, this does clearly suggest a process by which we can possibly transform ourselves and adapt to an ever-changing and complex environment or marketplace withrepparttar 120470 clear intent to become and remain successful.

It's all about our personal growth and our ability to react torepparttar 120471 multiple challenges of life in general andrepparttar 120472 modern world in particular.

In a way, I am tempted to say it's all aboutrepparttar 120473 metamorphosis of marketing tadpoles into leaping frogs!

Identifying and aligning allrepparttar 120474 pieces of this complex puzzle takes time, quite a bit of thinking and determination. It also requires that we constantly reconsider our approach and refine our strategies. Transforming ourselves has been a necessity sincerepparttar 120475 dawn of humanity and it is not any different inrepparttar 120476 modern world: if we want to stay in business, we have to evolve.

Let's keep in mind that it is us who have to adapt torepparttar 120477 environment orrepparttar 120478 marketplace and notrepparttar 120479 other way around.

This is a hard fact, it cannot be argued upon: no one can expect to win at any game without first knowingrepparttar 120480 rules and principles.

Life is a serious game where it is possible to have a lot of fun. It has strict rules though. First we need to studyrepparttar 120481 rules then comesrepparttar 120482 fun. Likewise, marketing is a serious game where it is possible to have a lot of fun. Again, first we need to study and masterrepparttar 120483 rules.

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