I have heard that Japan once thought
AIDS virus was developed as a miliatary weapon by
US. West Nile almost took
life of my sister-in-law and Horowitz says it is
same weaponization program at work. The following quote is something that came to me from a fellow researcher who lives near Rosslyn Castle in Scotland. She is a nurse and there are many other things like this I could quote. In fact I had sent her a piece from another researcher with even more detail on similar things. I include it here because Gardner is allied with these Sinclairs of Rosslyn and
St. Clair that figures heavily in this quote. I guess I will understand if you regard it as entirely too far fetched but I know it is not. In 1985 I was a partner with John Campbell in Indianapolis. He was a top researcher on AIDS and he said it came from
green monkey in Africa.
“In 1969
US military asked for 10 million dollars from Congress to further its cancer studies by developing:
‘A new infective microorganism which could differ in certain important aspects from any known disease-causing organism. Most important of these is that it might be refractory to
immunological and therapeutic processes upon which we depend to maintain our relative freedom from infectious disease’.
Quoted from
Dept. of Defense Appropriations Hearings, 91st Congress, July 1, 1969, Washington DC regarding
Special Virus Cancer Program (SVCP).
The HIV virus, a mutation of
monkey leukemia virus SIV, could not be a better fulfillment of this brief. Following DNA tests, leading AIDS scientist Dr. David Ho placed
common genetic ancestor of
modern AIDS viruses somewhere around "the 1940's or early 50's" -
exact time that Mengele and his Nazi backers, then
CIA and its numerous military contractors were conducting their genetic engineering research. However,
transference of SIV to man would not have required any great leap in technology, as recent fears of new diseases from organ transplantation testifies. Not surprisingly, Israeli scientists led by Dr. Alexander Kalinkovich at
International AIDS Conference 2000 in South Africa announced that their latest research shows that HIV may be race-specific to black Africans.
It is accepted that HIV/AIDS was initially spread in Africa by Roman Catholic missionary hospitals and their re-use of "dirty needles". These hospitals regularly get donations of medical supplies/vaccines directly from
Roman Catholic order of
Knights of Malta, via its members within
pharmaceutical industry. Since
1970's Knights of Malta-supported aid organizations such as AmeriCares or Knightsbridge International have provided medical supplies to needy countries including South Africa, Haiti, and Cambodia - countries which are now hardest hit by HIV/AIDS.
When historians/journalists Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh & Henry Lincoln were investigating their book "The Messianic Legacy" about
political links between secret societies,
Vatican and intelligence agencies, they based much of their study upon
Catholic secret society "The Priory of Sion". From 1963 to 1981
Grand Master of Sion was a Catholic abbot, Francois Ducand-Bourget, who prior to this appointment was
Magistral Chaplain of
Knights of Malta. Michael Baigent's contact within Sion was its new Grand Master Pierre Plantard de St. Clair, of
Sinclair "Grail family" of Roslin, Edinburgh, which coincidentally is
global center of genetic engineering. Starting in 1982 Plantard indicated that 1984 was to be a critical year in
plans of Sion. In 1984 he said ‘everything was in place, nothing could stop it now,
time had come to move on, and nothing could now stop it’. When asked was
present Pope a potential ally or adversary in whatever schemes were afoot, Plantard replied ‘a rapprochement had been reached with
Vatican. Rome would cooperate. Certain concessions had been necessary in return, but they were essentially nominal’.
Nothing unusual occurred in 1984, apart from in April when
discovery of
HIV virus that causes AIDS was announced to
Also at this time Plantard de St. Clair suddenly announced his resignation from Sion, not only as its Grand Master but from
order itself, after 41 years a member. He did so because he could not approve "certain maneuvers" performed by his "English and American brethren". The Priory of Sion is a secret order of
European Holy Grail bloodline families, and authors of
infamous "Protocol of
Elders of Sion" that was directly responsible for inciting anti-Semitism and
Holocaust. Its members include prominent figures of
Knights of Malta, and neo-Nazi organizations with links to South Africa's apartheid regime. Africa is of prime importance to Sion's members - a 1959 article written by Plantard de St. Clair in Sion's internally circulated publication "Circuit", stresses
need for a solution to
African independence movement, and proposes a ‘United States of Euro-Africa... this being
sole stable foundation on which peace can be constructed’. Obviously his elite brethren didn't agree, as recent documentation proves Knight of Malta/CIA chief Allen Dulles ordered
assassination of
Congo's first democratically elected President. The Anglo-American contingent,
Knights Templar/Dragon Court and
Knights of Malta/CIA within
Order of Sion, swiftly deposed Plantard de St. Clair when they found out about his loose-tongued meetings with journalists Baigent, Leigh & Lincoln at such a crucial time in their covert endeavors.