ABC's of Becoming an Effective Teen

Written by Lin Miao

A: Acquire a Strong and Positive Attitude B: Break Out of Your Shell C: Characterize Your Hero D: Demand Respect For Your Standards, Yourself and Your Beliefs E: Energize Yourself Everyday With a Goal of Making a Difference F: Failure to Plan, is Planning for Failure G: Go Big or Go Home H: Humility is Power I: Itemize Your Qualities and Seek your Strengths Not Your Weaknesses J: Jealousy Will Always End in Negative Not Positive K: Keep your Momentum, Never Stop, Keep Moving! L: Live Your Life M: Magnify Your Opportunities N: Nothing is Better Thanrepparttar Truth

Do you have the Courage?

Written by graham and julie

Do you haverepparttar courage to do what you believe in? Do you haverepparttar 123057 courage to completerepparttar 123058 task even thoughrepparttar 123059 whole world thinks you are crazy? Do you haverepparttar 123060 courage to continue with your dreams when they appear to be impossible dreams? Or do you just cave in and find good excuses as to why they were impossible? The question is: Do you haverepparttar 123061 courage to follow your heart?

It seems to us that one ofrepparttar 123062 traits of successful people is their ability to keep focussed onrepparttar 123063 ‘inner desire' no matter what. They are people who believe in themselves and can close their ears to people who say ‘it can't be done! ‘It's impossible' ‘You're crazy!' They close their minds to people who want to impose limits on their lives. They haverepparttar 123064 ability to focus onrepparttar 123065 positive at all times. They don't see obstacles they only seerepparttar 123066 solutions.

These are not exceptional people. You can do this too. All you need to do is eradicaterepparttar 123067 limiting beliefs you have that tell you that you are not good enough or ‘people like us don't do these things, or it's all right for them but me............. To be like them, successful, all you have to do is believe and live byrepparttar 123068 understanding that everything you achieve or fail to achieve is a direct result of your own thoughts.

People who make a difference in life do not merely, TRY to do something they Do it. To try to do something is just to create an illusion in your thoughts. Have a go atrepparttar 123069 following experiment:

IF you are sitting down.... TRY to stand up. Did you succeed? Then you didn't try, you did it. Did you remain seated? Then you didn't succeed but with effort and commitment, unless you have a disability, you can succeed. The point is. TRY is a nothing word designed to ensure that whenever you start anything new you don't put full commitment and courage into it. You just go in half hearted and hope it works. Guess what; whatever you put in you get out. So go in half hearted and get out indifference i.e. no success. Go in with full commitment and courage and you will succeed. You may not succeed inrepparttar 123070 time scale you wish but we promise, you will succeed. All you have to do is,

focus your thoughts and energy, work hard and make effort for as long as it takes, be courageous and remove or go aroundrepparttar 123071 obstacles you meet onrepparttar 123072 way.

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