9 Ways To Make Your Website More Presentable

Written by Sanjay Johari

Your website works as your spokesperson presentingrepparttar message you wish to convey. Thinking in terms of this analogy often helps you to look at your website from a different angle and make visitor-friendly changes.

Imagine a situation - you have to make an announcement about an exciting event or an opportunity. You have appointed a spokesperson to make a presentation on your behalf to an audience consisting of invitees, interested persons and on-lookers. How would you like her to perform? Your website should dorepparttar 116500 job of a real, living spokesperson. Following considerations will make your website more presentable.

1)Main Theme - The presentation inrepparttar 116501 above example has been organized for a particular occasion. Similarly each webpage should be built around a particular theme. It doesn't help if too much information is given on a webpage on seemingly unrelated issues.

2)Fast Opening - You would certainly not like your spokesperson to be late and make your audience impatient. When a visitor clicks URL of your webpage or is redirected there,repparttar 116502 webpage should open real fast. Your webpage gets just a few seconds to engage your visitor's attention. You would like your visitors to spend those few seconds looking at your webpage rather than waiting forrepparttar 116503 webpage to open.

3)Appearance - The spokesperson should have pleasant appearance and should wear a welcoming smile. This is to ensure thatrepparttar 116504 audience is not put off even before start ofrepparttar 116505 presentation. Your webpage should have a pleasant, inviting appearance to attract your visitor. If spokesperson is very gorgeous looking, she will distract attention ofrepparttar 116506 audience fromrepparttar 116507 real issue. Your website should avoid loud graphics and distracting colors so thatrepparttar 116508 visitor remains focused onrepparttar 116509 main theme.

4)Make Text Interesting - You would like your spokesperson to use clear, flowing language, keeprepparttar 116510 audience interested and gradually lead them torepparttar 116511 main theme. The presentation should be interactive, made lively by stories, snippets etc. Monotonous speech should be avoided. All these ideas can be incorporated while designingrepparttar 116512 website. The text should be broken into small paragraphs of 4-5 sentences or less, subtitles should be added for clarity, key words should be made bold. These are some ideas to make text more readable. Often a visitor will see only titles and subtitles. Therefore on their ownrepparttar 116513 title and subtitles should conveyrepparttar 116514 basic message. 5)Highlight Benefits - Other methods can be used to makerepparttar 116515 audience interested. The audience is really interested in what benefits they will derive; therefore this point should be highlighted sufficiently. The visitor to a website is interested in what is there for her. The potential benefits torepparttar 116516 visitors should form a part ofrepparttar 116517 main theme. This is an important consideration and cannot be over-emphasized.

How to Profit from your Home Business Blog

Written by Ian Canaway

How to Profit from your Home Business Blog Copyright Ian Canaway 2004-11-30 http://www.asuccesfullhomebusiness4u.com/

A blog is a simple tool which all affiliate marketers should be utilising to explode their affiliate sales.

I set up my blog in about 15 minutes at http://www.blogger.com/ it’s a completely free service, and it’s really easy to set-up. I followed directions on an excellent article on getting a new website listed in Google in 48hrs check it out here, http://www.scamfreezone.com/gg/ . I just followedrepparttar advice inrepparttar 116499 article and got started with no problems in no time.

I've been doing a lot of research with regards to blogging and came across a case of a 19 year old kid who was making something ridiculous like $50,000 a year with a blog on mobile phones, from his bedroom! So clearly there is a good earning potential through blogs, but they do take time to grow and build up a readership. Treat your blog as a marathon not a sprint, because it will take time.

Blogs provide a very simple, quick and easy means to add fresh content to your website. As I’m sure you’ve heard many times over ‘content is king’ inrepparttar 116500 search engines eyes and if you can provide high quality, regularly updated content your website should benefit with regards to your search engine ranking.

By providing fresh, high quality relevant content you will gain an increase of both first time visitors and repeat visitors, they will come back to check out your new content. Providing it’s interesting, relevant and useful to them. You will begin to build relationships with your readers, increasing your credibility and building their trust in you.

These repeat visitors will be exposed to your messages more and begin to trust you and your recommendations. This in turn will fuel sales and referrals. Just make sure you don’t recommend a product you haven’t tried because if it is bad you will lose all credibility!

Never recommend something you haven’t tried and tested your self.

You want to send traffic directly to your blog, do it through multi-dimensional strategies. Have a subscriber box for your newsletter to build your list from your blog. Use it as an exit pop-up from your main site or thank you page for new subscribers, directing them to relevant content immediately. As once your prospects have got to know you throughrepparttar 116501 blog they are much more likely to explore your website and check out whatever you are offering.

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