BMI, Body Mass Index, is most popular and simple way that health professionals use to determine if you are a healthy weight. This article concerns how to interpret your results. Summary
Body Mass Index:
<18: Underweight
>25: Overweight
>30: Obese
Calculate Yourself
The calculation is simple, you can do it on a regular calculator. All you need to know is your height and weight. If you want to use metric measurements, take your weight in kilograms and divide it by your height in meters squared. If you use inches and pounds instead, you need to multiply result by 703 to get an equivalent result. I am 6' tall and I weigh 180 lbs. 180/(72 x 72) x 703 = 24.4
If your BMI is 18 or less, you are considered underweight for your height. My work here is done. Just kidding.
Being underweight is a health problem, just as being overweight is. As Mr. Weightless, I am dedicated to helping those at other end of spectrum, but if you are underweight, here are a few tips to become healthier.
Don't try to do opposite of everything I say to lose weight. You should still be drinking plenty of water, for example.
This may seem obvious, but EAT MORE. Consume more calories than you expend.
Consume more protein. One main reason you may be underweight is lack of muscle mass. Resistance training combined with a hefty increase in protein consumption will put some meat on your bones. The best way to consume more calories while keeping a balanced and healthy diet is to order one of our combo products, and instead of using meal replacement to replace meals, have a shake between other meals. You will be getting more calories, more protein, but without imbalancing your intake of other essential nutrients.
Normal Weight
If your BMI is between 18 and 25, you are considered normal weight for your height. My work here is done. Really.
Actually, not really. Read section below "BMI is not Enough" to find out why a BMI that is in normal range may not mean that you have no risk of disease. And let's face it, for beach season you don't want your waistline to be "normal", you want it to looked "ripped". You can benefit from my articles and products to strip off last remaining fat cells that are hiding your six-pack.
If your BMI is over 25, you are considered overweight for your height. This is a dangerous category because most people ignore dangers. Technically, being in overweight category does not seriously predispose you to any health problems. But that does not mean that you are healthy. And if you do nothing, you may just slip into "obese" category where your risks are great for developing heart disease, diabetes and cancer.
There is a movement these days called "healthy overweight". People may have you believe that if you can jog a mile and do some push-ups that you are healthy despite being large. If you can do these things, that's great, but that doesn't make you healthy. It just means you're not sick yet. The people who believe in "healthy overweight" basically want to take away any shame you might feel about your size, to make you feel better and relieve some of your stress about your self-image. They say that companies that sell diet products have exaggerated claims and made fat people believe that any amount of excess fat is unattractive and unhealthy. That may be true, we all see advertisements that make us feel unattractive compared to models and actors, and we don't feel as healthy as athletes we watch in sports. But let's not kid ourselves: If you have excess fat, you are not as healthy as someone without it. Fat, especially around waist, is a health risk, and it does you no good, unless you find yourself in arctic. If you're a healthy overweight, lose some weight and you'll be a healthier normal weight!