8 Tips to Save on Long Distance Calling

Written by Raymond A. Klesc

You don't have to spend a small fortune on your telephone bill every month. Here are some tips you can implement to stretch your pennies and keep your budget reasonable and start saving today.

•Whenever possible selectrepparttar right time to make your call: Determine your current calling patterns and whenever possible make your calls duringrepparttar 103822 evening hours or duringrepparttar 103823 weekends. By changing your calling pattern you could reduce your long distance charges significantly.

•Select a plan withrepparttar 103824 smallest billing increment available: Whenever possible you should select a long distance billing plan withrepparttar 103825 lowest billing increments. The smallerrepparttar 103826 billing incrementrepparttar 103827 cheaperrepparttar 103828 overall price. Some plans offer a 6 second billing increments, which will save you big money compared to plans that roundrepparttar 103829 call up to a whole minute.

•Use our web site to compare carriers and plans. You should compare several different long distance providers before you make your selection. You will then be able to make an informed decision to determine which carrier offersrepparttar 103830 least expensive plan for your calling habits and geographic location. Use our "Best Rate Calculator" to obtain a detailed analysis of your calling patterns andrepparttar 103831 lowest domestic and international long distance rates available in your area.

•When should you subscribe to a long distance calling plan: You should consider subscribing to a long distance calling plan if you make more than a few long distance calls each month. By checking with different carriers through our web site you will be able to compare plans and select one that more closely matches your needs and budget.

•Whatever you do, do not use a long distance operator: Using a long distance operator can cost you dearly. You should call direct whenever possible. Using a long distance calling plan will save you even more.

No More Blind Dates When Seeking Real Estate Agents

Written by Martin Winer

http://www.rankyouragent.com is a new forum for ranking real estate professionals.

When you type "real estate referral" into any search engine a slew of sites come up. In our experience here, at RankYourAgent.com, those sites featured pages of sponsored adds with very little, if any impartial content.

We developed a business model whereby we would sustain ourselves on income derived from

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