8 Tips to Open Water Swimming

Written by Kevin Koskella

So you're ready to get out there and do some open water swimming to prepare for your next triathlon? Before you go dipping into your local body of water, keep these tips in mind:

1. Never swim alone. For safety purposes, always swim with a group or bring along a friend. Givenrepparttar unknown elements, a dangerous situation may arise such as fog, currents, boats, etc. where you will be in much better shape with others around.

2. Adjust to cold water. Ifrepparttar 143996 water you are training in is cold, below 66 degrees fahrenheit, be prepared. Wetsuits are necessary. Wearing a swim cap and earplugs can help keep your head warm. Get inrepparttar 143997 water slowly and only get in for 5-20 minutesrepparttar 143998 first time out, gradually increasing your time inrepparttar 143999 water with each swim.

4. Upon exit of your cold water swim, drink warm fluids, take off your wetsuit, and dress warmly.

Do You Have Milk Allergies?

Written by Cari Haus

Copyright 2005 Log Cabin Rustics

As a nation, we have been raised with milk on our breakfast cereal, ice cream as a reward, sour cream on our potatoes, and milkshakes atrepparttar local fast food restaurant. Dairy products are inrepparttar 143919 majority of our recipes, served in our school lunch programs, and a part of American life.


When my daughter suffered from respiratory infections, ear infections and sinusitis, I did not know that what I fed her could be contributing to her problems. At nights she would wake up screaming that she couldnˇ¦t breathe. My husband and I would run into her room, grab her and take her intorepparttar 143920 bathroom. We would runrepparttar 143921 shower'¦s hot water tillrepparttar 143922 bathroom became steamy. Soon she could breathe and would start to calm down. Sometimes that wouldnˇ¦t work and we would have to go torepparttar 143923 emergency room where they would put her in an oxygen tent to relieve her gasps for air.

A friend suggested I stop giving her milk. I was annoyed asrepparttar 143924 only milk she ate was on her cereal. I decided to try it and almost immediately, she was having more restful nights. There was a backlash when she spent time with others that fed her ice cream, but otherwise, her ear infections and breathing problems stopped.

I started to research this issue learned that that "At least 50% of all children inrepparttar 143925 United States are allergic to cow's milk, many undiagnosed. Dairy products arerepparttar 143926 leading cause of food allergy, often revealed by diarrhea, constipation, and fatigue. Many cases of asthma and sinus infections are reported to be relieved and even eliminated by cutting out dairy." Natural Health, July, 1994, Nathaniel Mead, MD

A few years later, I began having regular bouts with sinusitis. Soon I was taking antibiotics on a regular basis. After awhile, they didn't work anymore and I had to take stronger antibiotics. When I complained to a coworker, she told me of a physician that made a huge difference in her life by working to see if she had any allergies. The physician had taken her off milk, and this made a huge impact on her sinus infections.

I went to seerepparttar 143927 physician, who, after looking at my nose, asked me to keep a food diary. I was annoyed. I thought I was a healthy eater and this was a waste of my time. However, as I wrote down what I ate. I found that every time I ate dairy products, my nose began to run. Like my daughter, I too had a milk allergy.

I switched to soy milk and my sinusitis completely ceased. I was sorry that I hadn't known this years before, when I had round after round of sinus infections in college. I had found that I could save time inrepparttar 143928 college cafeteria by grabbing a shake and a sandwich. I probably had allergic reactions torepparttar 143929 ice cream inrepparttar 143930 shakes.

A Frequent Problem

Allergists sayrepparttar 143931 most common allergen is dairy products. Dairy products (milk, cheese, yogurt, cottage and cream cheese, buttermilk, butter, sodium caseinate and lactate) arerepparttar 143932 cause of 60% of food allergens. There are also secondary chemicals that travel throughrepparttar 143933 food chain in meat and milk such as chemicals, hormones, drugs and wheat, peanuts, etc. (http://web.mit.edu/kevles/www/nomilk.html)

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