8 Steps to Get Your Fitness Resolution Back on Track

Written by Stephen Holt

How to Get Your Fitness Resolution Back on Track with 8 Steps to Keep You Motivated

by Stephen Holt

How is your New Year's fitness resolution going? Have you run out of steam?

Mayberepparttar problem was not doingrepparttar 115860 right exercise atrepparttar 115861 start of your program.

No, not physical exercise. Mental exercise.

The key to "motivation" is realizing what your "motives" truly are.

Answering these thought-provoking questions *in writing* will help you clarify your vision and enhance your commitment by helping you to focus on your true motives.

You'll also have a permanent record of your values and priorities that you can periodically use as a reminder that will rekindle your motivation.

Step 1. Simple. Start with writing what you want in general. For example: "I want to lose weight." Write as many goals as you want.

Step 2. Now it's time for details. For each of your three most important general goals, write down *exactly* what you want.

You knowrepparttar 115862 SMART acronym by now: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timed.

Keep in mind that a safe rate of *fat* loss is 1-2 pounds a week. With my clients, we pick a date first, then work backwards using a pace of one pound per week.

It also helps to write each goal inrepparttar 115863 present tense so that it becomes an effective affirmation.

An example would be: "As of [date seven weeks from now] I weigh [seven pounds less than today]."

However, since your rate of weight loss is non-linear and not entirely in your control, "activity goals" - such as working out three times a week - are less frustrating.

Step 3. Write down WHY you want it.

This is what motivation truly is. You don't really want to lose seven pounds just to be seven pounds lighter.

You want to lose weight because you believe that being lighter will make some positive change in your life.

What is it that you *really* want? It's neverrepparttar 115864 weight itself.

Maybe you feel that losing weight will make you more attractive, more popular, more lovable, live longer, have less pain, or make someone envious.

Stay Healthy With Exercise

Written by Michael Stefano

As a society, we’ve been more than convinced ofrepparttar need for daily exercise. Fromrepparttar 115859 gimmicky hype ofrepparttar 115860 television info-mercial, torepparttar 115861 sound advice ofrepparttar 115862 family physician, we’ve been bombarded withrepparttar 115863 reasons why we need to workout.

The medical community has coinedrepparttar 115864 phrase, The Deadly Quartet, to describe four risk factors that plague Americans in disproportionate numbers:

The Deadly Quartet


High blood pressure High blood cholesterol, and triglyceride levels

Reduced sensitivity to insulin

Despite all this information that’s been made available, overweight and out of shape Americans still huff and puff their way through their day. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention reports that obesity alone results in over 300,000 preventable deaths inrepparttar 115865 United States every year.

More than 60 percent of all Americans are classified as overweight or obese, while at any given time 30 to 40 percent of all Americans are trying to get in shape. An even higher percentage of cardiovascular disease is related to obesity, and being overweight nearly doubles your chance of developing high blood pressure.

But hearsrepparttar 115866 good news, an article published inrepparttar 115867 March 2001 issue of The Annals of Internal Medicine has revealed that thirty minutes of daily exercise can extend human life.

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