8 Questions Brides Ask About Setting up a Wedding Registry

Written by Blake Kritzberg

In theory, setting up a registry is simple. You decide on one or several stores, create a registry online or in person, select various items, and getrepparttar word out to your guests. In practice, things are a little more complicated -- but only a little!

With that said, here'srepparttar 130373 real deal on setting up your wedding registry and gettingrepparttar 130374 word out without offending your guests. Remember that retailers can be an enormous help to both you and your guests. Atrepparttar 130375 same time, you can’t take everything they say at face value.

Q: Where should I register?

A: Chances are, if you're getting married in your own town, you already know where "everyone goes" to set up and shop from a registry. If not, and guests are flying in from far away, pick from some bride-tested standbys likely to be present almost anywhere. Macy’s has a great reputation for registries, as does Williams-Sonoma, Bed Bath & Beyond and other retailers.

Before you choose your stores, be sure to stop by a wedding forum and get feedback from brides who have been there, done that. Store policies vary quite dramatically, ranging fromrepparttar 130376 easy-does-it (who’ll give you cash back for returns offrepparttar 130377 registry, no questions asked) torepparttar 130378 extremely restrictive (who’ll only let you exchange for another item *in that department*, requires a receipt for each item, and so on). You'll want to know about these policies andrepparttar 130379 store's overall reputation for bridal friendliness before you go in, or returns and exchanges could become a big hassle.

Q: I have a wide range of interests. How many stores should I register at?

A: Two to three stores is fairly typical. They don't have to be typical stores, though. If you're a wine drinker, and live in a state where it's legal to ship wine, set up a registry at one ofrepparttar 130380 great online wine merchants.

Q: When should I register?

A: Although close family members may pressure you to start earlier, it's helpful to wait three to six months beforerepparttar 130381 wedding. Not only arerepparttar 130382 vast majority of gifts bought within a day or so ofrepparttar 130383 shower or ceremony itself, stores turn over merchandise so rapidly that any gifts you select earlier may be discontinued.

Q: What if I already have allrepparttar 130384 kitchen appliances and throw pillows I need?

A: Consider putting together a honeymoon registry instead, so guests can contribute toward a special meal or snorkeling trip or a night’s lodging during your honeymoon.

10 Tips For A Home Spa Splurge

Written by Julie Hunt

Here are 10 personal little home spa tips that will make you look and feel like a million bucks! Squeeze in a few extra minutes to your every day self care time and you’ll see how easily these step by step pampering recommendations will turn evenrepparttar toughest days around. Or if you can negotiate a few minutes here and there from your day to get even more time…by all means… do it! Your family, friends and co-workers will meet a much happier, more chipper, fantastically refreshed you! In Preparation: First things, first. No shopping, buying or leavingrepparttar 130370 house. Scourrepparttar 130371 house for a few fun spa essentials and make a decadent ‘Home Spa Day’ just with what you have tucked away! Why put off what you could be doing right now?! I suppose if you are out and about and feel so inclined to pick up special bath salts, moisturizers or essential oils… so be it. I admire your level of commitment! Grab your robe and slippers Find a soothing CD that you absolutely love Scented candle A washcloth, loofah, bath brush or a new scrubbie back there inrepparttar 130372 drawers you forgot about Fluffy cotton towel Bath salts or essential aromatic oils (if you have them) Your cleansers, toners and moisturizers Coarse sea salt Plenty of chilled spring water (with a splash of lime or lemon) inrepparttar 130373 fanciest glass you can find Steep a cup of green tea Let go of your day… your obligations… responsibilities… stress… and strain. Toss outrepparttar 130374 barrage of thoughts streaming through your mind (even if it’s just for a moment). Trust me... they’ll still be around later for you to poke at, ponder or peruse. Try to relax. Take yourself on a far away vacation in your head, tell yourself a “Once Upon A Time” story, remind yourself what a princess you are and remember how essential these precious moments are to your happiness and sanity! Welcome To Your At Home Spa Vacation! 1.Take it easy and slow down your breath, your thoughts and your movements. Put on your favorite CD and start prepping a very simple shower or bath in a wonderfully slow, deliberate and unhurried way. Take time to watchrepparttar 130375 candle burn, smellrepparttar 130376 fragrance, feelrepparttar 130377 soft robe or towels, look atrepparttar 130378 sparkling drops of water and run your hands through it… take inrepparttar 130379 joyful process of an every day activity that we just fly through without a second thought!

2.Use essential oils. Not only do they smell great, but they are extremely good for your skin. The rule to applying essential oils is to never apply them directly on your face or skin. Just add about five drops to a bowl of warm water. Soak a washcloth inrepparttar 130380 water and then apply to your face and neck as a compress for five minutes. Repeat three times. Gently towel dry and finish yourself off with an anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory facial splash. If you have a choice of essential oils to choose from, select one that suits your mood and purpose. If you are desparkingrepparttar 130381 stress level this holiday, choose soothing oils (like lavender, chamomile, jasmine, sandalwood and ylang-ylang). Good revitalizing and energizing oils when you need them are peppermint, eucalyptus, rosemary, basil and juniper. The aroma can also provide psychological and physical benefits too! Essential oils can help with physical conditions, rejuvenaterepparttar 130382 skin, eliminate waste, alleviate stress, enhance your mood, restore vitality and facilitaterepparttar 130383 regeneration of new, healthy cells. 3.Basic Body Scrub and Cleansing If you decided you only have time for an indulgent, relaxing shower… start with a basic body scrub and cleansing. I found this fabulous new product called Spongeables (www.spongeables.com). It’s a soap and a sponge all in one. It lasts for a full month of frothy fragrant showering. My favorite fragrance is fresh lavender… and they have them fragrance free too if that’s more your style.

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