7 eBusiness Success Tips

Written by Denise Ryder, Marketing Coach

This may come as a surprise to you, but when it comes to generating business success there is no secrets.

Sure you will read articles and sales letters all claiming that they haverepparttar "secret" but success at business or anything you do for that matter starts with YOU. You arerepparttar 144219 one who has got to be willing to do whatever it takes to see your wishes and dreams through to fruition. You arerepparttar 144220 one who has to dorepparttar 144221 work.

Ok, so we know that you arerepparttar 144222 foundation for success, however, success does leave clues, or in this case we will refer to them as tips. Here are seven, which will help, build upon your foundation for success. It is important to know that these tips need a driving force...and that force is YOU!

Success Tip #1 - Find Your Passion

Starting any sort of business whether on or off line takes a lot of time and effort. With that said, stick with starting a business in an area that you know or love to do. The hours you spend in trying to get your business offrepparttar 144223 ground won't seem so daunting if you love what you are doing, whereas if you just get into something forrepparttar 144224 sake of it, eventually you may grow to resent it.

You may find that you have more than one idea for starting a business and in that case there is a process you can go through that will help narrowrepparttar 144225 choice down. When you start out, make a list ofrepparttar 144226 ideas you find interesting and that you could see yourself doing. Then in a second column, write downrepparttar 144227 skills you have in relation to each of those items. This will help you narrow choices down based on interest and skill, which gets you started inrepparttar 144228 right direction for success.

Ok, you have a couple of ideas and you have listed your skill sets, now it comes time to see if there is a market for what you could potentially get into. There are several tools out there to help you with this part ofrepparttar 144229 process,repparttar 144230 two resources I highly recommend are from Ken Evoy and they are the:

Affiliates Masters Course http://aff-masters.sitesell.com/proven-web-tactics.html

Service Sellers Course http://services.sitesell.com/proven-web-tactics.html

Don't letrepparttar 144231 titles scare you, it doesn't matter if you are building a business around affiliate programs or if your idea is inrepparttar 144232 service/retail industries. It isrepparttar 144233 process for researching an idea to see if it is viable is what we are after here and these two resources arerepparttar 144234 tickets for that.

Success Tip #2 - Time, Time, Time

Two aspects torepparttar 144235 concept of time that we have to consider here. The first we talked about in Tip #1 andrepparttar 144236 fact that it takes time to build a successful business. NOTHING happens overnight and if you believerepparttar 144237 hype you read about having business success in a matter of days...well I have some real good marshy land in Florida I want to sell you :o(

Yup there are some who do see success within a very short period of time, but these tended to be fads and of course haven't stoodrepparttar 144238 test of time...when wasrepparttar 144239 last time you saw a pet rock for sale??

The second aspect isrepparttar 144240 fact that you need to take into consideration your current situation. If you work and/or have a family you need to ensure that they are not neglected inrepparttar 144241 process. Take that and of course any other things you may have onrepparttar 144242 go, because they all cut intorepparttar 144243 one commodity we never have enough of...TIME! Success Tip #3 - Fail to Plan...Plan to Fail

You need a business plan and I know, I know what you're thinking...

"but I am just a small one person operation, working from my makeshift spare bedroom/turned quasi office...I don't need a business plan. I am just looking at starting something to help make ends meet, I don't want to go through all this trouble. I am not looking for investors or financing from a bank."

I have heard this countless times from people so you aren't alone in your thinking. A business plan actually helps you put your thoughts on paper and it serves, when it is done, as a roadmap. I mean you already have a starting point and you already have an idea as to where you want to end up - business success, right? Well,repparttar 144244 business plan helps by filling inrepparttar 144245 gaps and helps you plot your course of action to getting to that business success.

There are some aspects ofrepparttar 144246 business plan that might not be applicable forrepparttar 144247 specific business you are involved with and it is ok to leave out. Also, some ofrepparttar 144248 homework you did in researching your idea will be useful forrepparttar 144249 plan as well, so in some aspects you are not re-inventingrepparttar 144250 wheel here either.

The Business Plan will consist of:

market trends - you need to know if you have a market that will sustain you and your business forrepparttar 144251 long haul and whererepparttar 144252 trends are going. As an example right now a trend is that people as they get older become more health conscious, therefore health and nutrition is a trend. Will it be say 5, 7, or even 10 years downrepparttar 144253 road? Well that is something that this research will help you gain an insight to, and from there you can determine just how it will affect your business.

financial planning - depending uponrepparttar 144254 type of business you are forming, you may have little to provide in start up capital, however, you also need to determine your budget. It doesn't matter if you are a part of a little affiliate program, an mlm or a business you formed from your own ideas, you need to keep track ofrepparttar 144255 finances and gauge expenditures etc accordingly.

5 Tips to Heat Up Your On-Line Marketing Using Off-Line Tactics

Written by Denise Ryder, Marketing Coach

The internet of course brings a huge arena of marketing opportunities for you. The ability to do business with people aroundrepparttar world has now been made readily available through a web site and email. It truly has leveledrepparttar 144159 playing field and has provided ALL of us withrepparttar 144160 opportunity of taking our business torepparttar 144161 global level.

How powerful is that!!

While everyone is focusing on their "eBusiness" they are missing repparttar 144162 potential that exists in using off line marketing approaches to boost their online marketing efforts.

Here are five things you can do to heat up your efforts.


Actually if you are already using Articles as a marketing tactic for your on line marketing efforts, userepparttar 144163 same articles for off line publications as well. Publishers regardless ofrepparttar 144164 fact they are on or off line are ALL looking for good, valuable content.


You knowrepparttar 144165 effects that advertising on line can have for your business. You already have an ad that pulls for you on line. Then why not give it a shot off line and see if you can tap into another possible market.

Again, withrepparttar 144166 local newsletters in your community and any small business groups there are. Check out their rates and start using off line advertising to generate some exposure from off line sources.

Remember that you have to pay for this advertising so in that regard, advertising in something that you can afford and afford for a long period of time.


By attending a networking mixer you are gettingrepparttar 144167 best of both worlds. You getrepparttar 144168 chance to get out and break out of that bubble AND you also get to spreadrepparttar 144169 word about your business by talking with others!!

Depending uponrepparttar 144170 format, many of these mixers are of a referral nature. Meaning they allow only one business from each industry and through each member's dealings if they find someone looking for your service or product... then you will get a referral to follow up on.

Business Cards

A business card can end up in more places than you can even dream possible. They are a cost effective marketing tool. How many places do you go to on a regular basis where you could just leave a few business cards on a counter??? Now even if you are an eBusiness owner you can still use this to your advantage.

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