7 Ways to Increase Web Site Visitors and Boost Sales

Written by Herman Drost

Have you spent a lot of money on advertising withrepparttar expectation that you would get many sales fromrepparttar 105958 1000s of web site visitors that read your ad?

Have you poured money into driving traffic to your web site, only to have no one buying your product?

Maybe you have seenrepparttar 105959 ads, “Get 10,000 visitors to your site, for only $20” . Wow, you think, that’s a great bargain, I’ll go for it. The result – 10 people visiting your site and no one buying. What’srepparttar 105960 problem? You have not effectively targeted your customers. Your field of customers is too large. Most of them are not interested in your product. You need to zero in onrepparttar 105961 person that wants, needs and thirsts for your product.

How do I find my targeted customers?

1. Place yourself in your customers shoes. There’s an Indian saying that goes something like:

“You must walk a mile in my shoes, before you can understand me".

For example, if I am selling a weight loss product, I would not be targeting skinny people, but targeting those that are overweight.

2. Make a thumb nail sketch of this person

Who is your customer? What are her wants, needs and desires?

Try to understand how they think. Understanding what problems they have, will give you a clearer idea of what to offer them.

For example, let’s make a sketch of a typical overweight person: 30-50 years old Out of shape Probably married with children Under a lot of pressure, tight for time, stressed Looking for ways to improve health and wealth Lack of self esteem

3. Develop a product that addresses one or more of their needs. Always refer back to your thumbnail sketch as you write for your site. Elaborate onrepparttar 105962 points that fit your product and what it delivers. As you start writing, new ideas will naturally emerge, but always keep them focused on your targeted customer so you won’t go offrepparttar 105963 track of what your customer wants.

What Makes a Site Lucrative?

Written by Maricon Williams

People ask too many things about websites. They ask aboutrepparttar key points to remember in order for their website to conquerrepparttar 105957 Web as well as to boost their sales. They ask aboutrepparttar 105958 right colors to use, layout, content andrepparttar 105959 likes. So many queries but it all sums up to one thing – a profitable website.

To boot, in order for your website to be lucrative, it must exude total equilibrium with all its elements. What do I mean with total equilibrium? Well, it’s simple. It involves six crucial rudiments – organization, focus, design, navigation, technology and marketing. Short of one rudiment means your website is incomplete and lacking. One by one lets us discuss their essence.

Organization A design must be detail-oriented. Just like a piece of art, each detail must contribute torepparttar 105960 overall projection ofrepparttar 105961 whole. Nevertheless, it must only have what it needs and nothing more. It is with semblance torepparttar 105962 maxim in clothing that it is better to be underdressed than overdressed. This is because it can tend to leadrepparttar 105963 visitors astray. They may not be aware of where to go or where to look at. This isrepparttar 105964 reason why it is always safe to keep it simple and in order yet not tedious. Followrepparttar 105965 basic rules and your readership will surely soar.

Focus All sites have goals. In order to achieve that goal focus is necessary. Objectives must be met in a way thatrepparttar 105966 target audience can relate and look forward to working hand in hand with you.

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