7 Ways to Get More Mileage from Your Free Reprint Articles

Written by Shery Ma Belle Arrieta-Russ

Do you have old free reprint articles gathering dust? Transform and re-submit them to give your business, product or service another boost!

Here are 7 ways:

1. Transform your article.

You can transform your article in several ways:

- Give it a bullet or number format. - Give it a Q and A format. - Give it an anecdote format by adding your own experience. - Give it a Problem-Solution format. - Give it a short feature format by interspersing quotes from 2-3 people with information.

Do this and you'll end up with many versions of your original article.

2. Create many titles for your article versions.

List possible titles forrepparttar article versions you develop. Mix and matchrepparttar 124748 titles withrepparttar 124749 article versions.

3. Give your article a different tone/style.

If your article is too serious, rewrite it and give it a lighter tone.

4. Focus your article on a specific audience.

If your article is too generalized, transform it into several articles aimed at specific types of readers.

For example, an article titled "Creative Online Marketing" can have these title variations:

- "Creative Online Marketing for Webmasters" - "Creative Online Marketing for Small Business Owners" - "Creative Online Marketing for Affiliates" - "Creative Online Marketing for Auctioneers"

Inrepparttar 124750 above example, 4 new article versions can be developed simply by being more specific withrepparttar 124751 target reader. Do this on your article, then simply do a minor edit of your original article by tailoringrepparttar 124752 content with specific article titles.

5. Expound on a sub-topic.

11 Creative Ways You Can Use Autoresponders

Written by Shery Ma Belle Arrieta-Russ

1. Pick 4 or more articles you've written that have a common theme and put them in an autoresponder series. Announce it on your site as an e-mail course onrepparttar go.

2. If you have a page for related links, create a related links file and put it on autoresponder. This can be a one-page e-mail containing 15-50 links that are of interest to your visitors. Put your own promotional texts or blurbs atrepparttar 124747 top, middle and bottom ofrepparttar 124748 e-mail.

3. Create a fun or trivia quiz, put it up on your site and putrepparttar 124749 answers in an autoresponder that your visitors can request. This way, you'll knowrepparttar 124750 people who took your quiz.

4. Write reviews of books, music, e-books, sites, software or anything you can think of and put each review (or related reviews) in an autoresponder. If what you are reviewing have affiliate programs, use your affiliate links inrepparttar 124751 autoresponder.

5. Run a contest on your site or e-zine, then have your visitors or subscribers send their responses to your autoresponder. This way, you won't have to worry about manually sending them a confirmation receipt.

6. Create a frequently updated autoresponder and let your visitors and/or subscribers know about it. You can put in weekly tips or links to useful resources inrepparttar 124752 autoresponder and a reminder torepparttar 124753 people who request it that you update it every week or on a regular basis (e.g. tell them to request forrepparttar 124754 same autoresponder again a week from now). You can use this method instead of using autoresponders with limited follow up messages.

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