7 Ways to Defang Difficult People for More Energy

Written by Thomas Russell

7 Ways to Defang Difficult People and Save Energy By Thomas Russell

Difficult people are onrepparttar hunt for a quarrel. It’s not personal, usually. It’s just that you happen to berepparttar 129570 most convenient target.

Difficult people are insecure. They want YOU think and live like THEY think and live. Misery indeed loves company. They feel better if you are tense and unhappy.

What can you do to instantly neutralize their negativity? You cannot stop them from being difficult and demanding. Heaven help you if you try! But you can control your own reactions throughrepparttar 129571 amazing power of NowFacts.

What are NowFacts?

Simple, healthy and truthful principles that you voice to yourself silently, inrepparttar 129572 present moment! Speech is powerful! It is your connecting point back to your calm and intelligent center. Speech instantly reminds you ofrepparttar 129573 wisdom and power you already possess.

Here are 7NowFacts you can use when difficult people are onrepparttar 129574 prowl. These are secret silent statements you say to yourself:

1. I am not an actor who must obey your script.

The difficult person has a script. Inrepparttar 129575 script he writes that you get angry, that you fight with him, that you condemn him, that you get stressful and frustrated. Difficult people want opposition. That is their primary aim! When you employ this NowFact you inform yourself that you haverepparttar 129576 power of choice. You are never compelled to go along with their script. A silent refusal to takerepparttar 129577 bait sends a very powerful signal torepparttar 129578 difficult person. They get it!

2. I just cannot afford you any more.

This NowFact reminds you that some relationships carry much too high a price. You have to let go. There is no feeling of superiority or hostility. You simply cannot affordrepparttar 129579 relationship any more. It cost too much. You have to move on because you know it is best for YOU and forrepparttar 129580 other person.

3. I see your rage as childish, not forceful.

Here is how you can heal your perceptions. This NowFact reminds you that anger is weakness, not strength. Work with this NowFact and watch it release its treasures of wisdom and self-command. You’ll never again cringe before an angry person.

4. You don’t know it, but I remain at a safe inner distance from you.

Personal growth widensrepparttar 129581 gap between both your own inner negativities and those of others. You see anger from a higher place. Instead of being immersed in it, you’re above it now. You need never descend to a lower level to accommodate an immature adult. With NowFacts, your life is in your power!

Your Responsibility

Written by Kenia Morales

Your Responsibility by: Kenia Morales

The other day I decided to skip cooking dinner and ordered fast food, and I ended up finding an insect on it. My husband and I were shocked, grossed out, disappointed, and I do not know what else.

The insect was notrepparttar only gift included; I also foundrepparttar 129568 longest hair ever! After thinking about it, we concluded that it fell onrepparttar 129569 floor, and they decide to deliverrepparttar 129570 food anyways.

I can easily put myself in their position and imagine; how effortless it is for them not to care because they are notrepparttar 129571 ones eating it. However,repparttar 129572 truth is that they just lost their customers and, God knows how many more because whenever I have a chance; I will spreadrepparttar 129573 word. We used to call them at least once a week or two. Not anymore though!

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