7 Ways To Put Your Life On A Diet

Written by Kathy Gates

Life is hard enough without piling more and more expectations on yourself. It's like trying to diet in a chocolate factory! Instead try these 7 ways to help you lighten up, reduce worry, and give yourself a break. You'll come out onrepparttar other side with a simpler, happier, easier life.

1. Decide Right Now To Expect Nothing. "Wait a minute", you say, "if I expect nothing, won't I get nothing?" Of course you can live "down" to expectations. In this context, however, it means to not get so hung up on needing, wanting, striving, wishing, and pursuing that you miss what's right in front of you. Setting goals to move you towards what you want is definitely important. But what is good and sweet and wonderful in your life right now? What are you missing out on by expecting something better to be aroundrepparttar 123830 next corner?

2. Let Some Long-Standing Idealist Goals Die. This can berepparttar 123831 most freeing thing you do, and a tremendous sense of relief. Always wanted to berepparttar 123832 world's first perfect parent? Are you disappointed in yourself because you haven't yet wonrepparttar 123833 Pulitzer Prize? Are you comparing yourself torepparttar 123834 body of a runway model? Does your marriage lackrepparttar 123835 romance of daytime soap operas? It's time to get over these types of unrealistic goals. Allow yourself to be human.

3. Truly Accept that Failure is The Only Way To Succeed. There's a famous quite that says, "the only place where success comes before work is inrepparttar 123836 dictionary." The story goes that famous basketball player Michael Jordan was cut from his high school team because he wasn't good enough. History would have been very different if he had let "failure" stop him from working hard at what he wanted to do. Practice patience. Practice failure. Practice. Practice. Practice.

4. Make Peace With Something That You Already Know. What do you already know that you will "learn" in 6 months? What this means is, what is in your life today that is probably going to catch up to you and cause you big trouble 6 months from now? Are you overspending? Is your marriage on shaky ground? Are you living without insurance? Do you have a healthy problem that you're trying to ignore? Make peace with what's going on in your life now, AND make a plan to deal with it.

Are You Flying to the Stars or Staring Into Space?

Written by Martin Avis

Motivation is a fire from within. If someone else tries to light that fire under you, chances are it will burn very briefly. >>> Stephen R. Covey, motivational writer.

There are two kinds of motivation: motivating others, and motivating yourself. They are very different beasts, but tame them and you will succeed.

In truth, there is only self-motivation. Motivating others is simplyrepparttar creation of an environment in which they can become self-motivated.

Shouting at an employee; using a stick to beat work out of your workers; threatening them with loss of privilege, benefits or job are tactics all too often used inrepparttar 123829 corporate world. They may well provide short-term motivation, but they are negative. Resentment will grow, attitudes will decline,repparttar 123830 threats will get louder, andrepparttar 123831 spiral will continue downward. Institutionalized negativity can never produce long-term positive results.

Institutionalized positivity, however, is likerepparttar 123832 'light' taught about inrepparttar 123833 Kabbalah. It is a glorious force that is all-pervading. It has a power far greater than its ten little letters can begin to signify.

Whenrepparttar 123834 boss stops saying 'If you don't finish all that pile by 5pm, your job is onrepparttar 123835 line', and starts saying 'Thank you for putting inrepparttar 123836 extra effort on that job - it was vital torepparttar 123837 company and your contribution has been fantastic', his staff will be able to beginrepparttar 123838 climb towardsrepparttar 123839 light of self- motivation.

Of course that is a simplistic message. Everyone has different buttons that need to be pressed. Some may want recognition, some praise, some self-determination, some material reward, some fun. An enlightened (there's that light again) manager spends time finding out what those buttons are.

'People become motivated when you guide them torepparttar 123840 source of their own power and when you make heroes out of employees who personify what you want to see inrepparttar 123841 organization.' So said Anita Roddick, founder of The Body Shop.

But this article is really about self motivation. Your motivation and mine.

So I ask again, are you flying torepparttar 123842 stars, or staring into space?

You can easily do either. Sometimes even washingrepparttar 123843 dishes seems more important and interesting than earning a buck. I've done it myself: spent all day fussing around, tidying my desk, staring out ofrepparttar 123844 window, reading a magazine, making coffee, checking out a website, cutting my nails. By bedtime I've achieved absolutely nothing of value at all.

What isrepparttar 123845 psychological barrier to getting on with what is important?

Maybe it isn't interesting enough. Perhaps it isn't profitable enough. Could it be that it isn't fun enough?

The truth is, that at that precise moment, it just isn't important enough.

People in offices are well aware ofrepparttar 123846 last minute syndrome. No matter how many weeks you have to prepare for a major presentation or meeting, you will always be rushing to get it done atrepparttar 123847 last minute.

We tell ourselves that we work better under pressure. That we needrepparttar 123848 adrenaline kick to produce our best work. That we are so busy we wouldn't have been able to do it any earlier anyway.

All nonsense, of course.

We simply persuade our brains thatrepparttar 123849 job isn't really important until it is urgent.

How, then, do we make each job important enough to motivate ourselves to get on with it?

Because we are blessed with brains that are contrary, we have to resort to tricks. Here is how you can sneak up on yourself.

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