7 Ways To Profit From Other Peoples Products

Written by Stuart Reid

Seven Ways to Make Money with Other People's Products

by Stuart Reid http://www.netpreneurnow.com

If you don't possessrepparttar time, money or inclination to create your own hot selling product there is plenty of scope for profit by using other people's.

In this quick article I'll detailrepparttar 120316 best ways to take a third-party product and use it to fill your own bank account.

1. Resell Rights

Resell Rights let you sell a product and keep all ofrepparttar 120317 money. It's an ideal way to start. Usually you'll need your own payment system to acceptrepparttar 120318 money and your own webspace to sell it - but that's very cheap to do these days.

Resell Rights can be free, or cost anywhere up to $1000 and beyond. The free Resell Rights are usually not worth bothering with. You want to sell items that have LIMITED distribution - quite simply because you'll have less competition!

2. Master Resell Rights

Unfortunately these are bad news. Withrepparttar 120319 Master Rights you can pass on Resell Rights yourself. This means one thing - thousands of competitors in a very short time.

3. Reprint Rights

These are sometimes confused with Resell Rights but they are usually used to describe hard-copy material. For example, printed books, tape sets, CD's or Videos.

You usually have to handlerepparttar 120320 duplication yourself but sometimesrepparttar 120321 company will provide copies, and even ship them for you, for a small fee.

These products usually cost more to acquirerepparttar 120322 rights but can be very profitable. Asrepparttar 120323 old saying goes, it's easier to sell 10 copies at $1000 each than it is to sell 1000 at $10.

4. Affiliate Programs

When you enter into an affiliate agreement you are sharingrepparttar 120324 cost and effort of promoting a product. You will take a percentage ofrepparttar 120325 sales in exchange, so you want at least 50% for it to be worth your while.

How to Convert Telephone Calls into Powerful Presentations

Written by Roger C. Parker

How to Convert Telephone Calls Into Powerful Presentations You can multiply your ability to persuade by 400%, whether your audience is 1 or 100. Web-based presentations add a visual element to teleconferences. Instead of just talking to prospects, you can simultaneously show them and tell them. According to a Wharton Business School study, this dual mode communication makes your message up to four times more effective than using just your voice. Present from your office:

Web-based presentations can be as effective as in-the-same-room presentations, but are free fromrepparttar costs and frustrations involved in traveling. Talk to your prospects using your current telephone or—for large groups —a rented bridge line. You and your audience view your visuals using a standard web browser and Internet connection. You control what’s displayed on your audience’s computer screen! Your screen contains a menu listing available visuals. You control presentation content, pace, and sequence. You can spend as much or as little time as desired on each visual. You can show all of your visuals, or just those needed to respond to attendee concerns or questions. No limits on audience size:

No audience is too large or too small for a web-based presentation! You can easily and cost-effectively show and tell 1-to-1 as you speak to individual prospects, or you can present to hundreds at a time. No advance scheduling:

Your visuals are available 24/7. No reservations are required to present. Convert any telephone call into a presentation by inviting your caller to immediately access your online visuals while talking. More than one set of visuals can be prepared and ready for instant use. Preparing your visuals:

Use Microsoft PowerPoint™ to create your presentation. Presentations can be as simple or complex as desired. In addition to creating visuals for your “core” presentation, consider creating “contingency” visuals available for showing as needed. This permits you to customize your presentation onrepparttar 120315 basis of questions fromrepparttar 120316 audience or callers. You can easily add and edit visuals. This permits you to customizerepparttar 120317 title or specific visuals with your client’s name or client-specific contents and prices. After completing your presentation, upload it torepparttar 120318 server where your visuals will be available online to you and your clients, prospects, or employees. Access:

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