7 Tips to Healthy Sleeping Habits

Written by Gobala Krishnan

Copyright 2005 Gobala Krishnan

You toss and turn in bed trying to sleep but get up feeling frustrated. When you finally do get some sleep, it is o?nly for a few hours because it is time to get up and go to work. Then, you go throughrepparttar day feeling groggy, depressed and extremely exhausted.

You try drinking cups and cups of coffee but instead of feeling awake, you feel even worse. A potentially disastrous headache starts drumming atrepparttar 137370 corner or your head. The drumbeats get louder and more persistent by each passing minute. As a last resort, you let nature take its course. You fall flat in front of your computer screen and start snoozing.

So, I might have exaggerated a little withrepparttar 137371 last sentence, butrepparttar 137372 fact is, many people do not getrepparttar 137373 proper amount of sleep they need everyday. As a direct result of this, they are not able to function optimally in their jobs, studies or even simple daily tasks.

There are many factors that can cause insomnia such as, stress, illness, a new sleeping environment and many more. Treatments can also vary depending o?nrepparttar 137374 type of insomnia you are suffering from. However, there are some basic things that you can do to practice healthy sleeping habits.

1) Set a conducive sleep environment

Regardless of how absurd it may sound, it is crucial to setrepparttar 137375 correct atmosphere in your bedroom. The most important rule is to remember that your bedroom is a place for you to sleep and rest. So, get rid ofrepparttar 137376 television, radio or anything that can distract you from sleeping. People tend to sleep better in rooms that are a little bit cooler rather than a little bit warmer. So, make sure your room is cool and aired. Switch off allrepparttar 137377 lights, as it is easier for your brains to prepare your body to sleep inrepparttar 137378 dark. Aside from making sure that your mattress and pillows are comfortable, you also have to changerepparttar 137379 sheets often as cleanliness always promotes a pleasant environment.

2) Maintain a consistent sleeping and wake-up time

Everybody has a biological clock that records and keeps track of their sleeping pattern. Therefore, it is important to keep regular sleep hours, particularlyrepparttar 137380 wake-up time. According to your wake-up time, your body then tires atrepparttar 137381 appropriate time enabling you to go to sleep. This also ensures that you will getrepparttar 137382 proper amount of sleep you need before you wake up. In other words, when you establish a regular bedtime routine, your brain automatically send a signal to your body to unwind and to go to sleep and to wake up after getting enough hours of sleep.

Doleful Tales of an Insomniac

Written by Gobala Krishnan

Copyright 2005 Gobala Krishnan

I tried with all my might but I just could not stay awake. My eyelids grew heavier byrepparttar moment until I finally caved in and dozed off. When I was abruptly awakened 15 minutes later, by an old lady poking my ribs with her fancy umbrella, I realized that I missed my stop again.

This isrepparttar 137369 third time in this whole week that I slept off during my bus ride and failed to get off atrepparttar 137370 supposed destination. It was not o?nly duringrepparttar 137371 bus rides that I slumbered. I also dozed off during lectures, during lunch breaks, inrepparttar 137372 shower, while talking to my mom o?nrepparttar 137373 phone; well almost any place that left me feeling comfortable.

Perhaps it was time for me to take o?n those extra lectures o?n sleep therapy after all. Insomnia is an awful thing to go through. The inability to fall asleep andrepparttar 137374 difficulty to initiate and maintain sleep can be quite irksome.

What is Insomnia?

Insomnia is classified asrepparttar 137375 difficulty of falling asleep or staying asleep which later causes impairments in daytime functioning. Insomniacs often complain of problems in concentrating or focusing, feeling depressed, irritable, moody or anxious, and incapability to function optimally inrepparttar 137376 workplace, at home or even at school.

Read All About It: Insomnia Can Cause Weight Gain & Diabetes

Lack of sleep can considerably damage our health, as much as unhealthy eating habits or infrequent exercise can affect our immune system. Studies have shown that when somebody suffers from insomnia, aside from affecting their level of concentration and alertness, there is also an increased risk of them contracting other serious health problems such as, weight gain, diabetes and obesity.

Apparently, sleeping actually plays a role in our metabolism whereby, a lack of sleep will cause such problems. According to a 2003 poll conducted byrepparttar 137377 National Sleep Foundation, two-thirds of Americans report frequent sleep problems. This means a majority of Americans may be suffering from deleterious health effects due to sleep deprivation.

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