7 Tips To Writing Perfect Email Ad's

Written by Jerry C Freeman

Everyone at some point in their Internet experience has received an email ad that was simply to difficult to read or it's text was so badly broken up that it was impossible to understand.

Most ofrepparttar time when I receive an email of this kind (and it's far to often) I do what everyone else does, I simply hitrepparttar 116771 delete and move on torepparttar 116772 next email.

What if your email wasrepparttar 116773 one I deleted? How sure are you of your email format? Do you follow all "Email Etiquette?" Do you even know if "Email Etiquette" exists?

I know that when I first started advertising onrepparttar 116774 web my answer torepparttar 116775 question's above was, no? I wasn't even sure if my ad's were even getting out, let alone if they were "Email Etiquette" approved..."

Every email server basically followsrepparttar 116776 same set of rules; however, each one applies these rules with it's own twist thus making their format different fromrepparttar 116777 other guy. As a result we have many variations torepparttar 116778 way our email looks.

Sorepparttar 116779 question you need to ask yourself is this...

With so many different servers, with so many variations ofrepparttar 116780 rules, can anyone, or any thing you use, format all emails across all formats with any type of consistency so that your ad campaign will go out with a professional look?

The answer is, basically "YES!" I said basically because there are a few email servers onrepparttar 116781 web that have their server set up so that if you do not send and receive your mail using their system, there is no way of knowing how your email will look once it gets to it recipient.

But forrepparttar 116782 most part, if you applyrepparttar 116783 seven tips I've outlined for you below, 95% of your emails will lookrepparttar 116784 way you intended them to when they are viewed by your recipient. As forrepparttar 116785 other 5%, do your best and that's all you can do.

(Tip No.1) Send You Ad Text Formatted Instead of HTML

There are three reasons you need to send your ad "Text Formatted" as opposed to HTML.

1) There are many email users that do not receive HTML emails.

Many people do not receive HTML documents because either their email account will not display an HTML document, or they have simply turned off that aspect of their email account because they do not wish to view HTML documents in their email.

For whatever reason, that group of people makes up a fairly large group of email users. If you're sending your ad by way of HTML they will not see your email, and you'll lose a lot of potential customer.

2) When someone is reading through their emails, they want to click, read, and move on. They get annoyed when they have to sit and wait for an HTML document to load. Once they get annoyed, forrepparttar 116786 most part you've lost that customer for life!

3) Often times when someone sees an HTML ad opening in their email browser they simply click and delete before it finishes downloading, I know, I've done it myself a few times.

(Tip No.2) Always Run Spell Check On Your Emails

Many times I have received emails with both typo's and misspelled words in them. Now I'm notrepparttar 116787 best speller inrepparttar 116788 world, in fact when I graduated one of my instructors got up and said, "Jerry I have only two words for you... SPELL CHECKER!"

Even if you arerepparttar 116789 world's best speller, always, always, and did I mention ALWAYS run "Spell Checker" on your document. Catch those little embarrassing moments before they go out in print. Life will be much easier for you and everyone else as well.

Are you interested in 1,000% growth?

Written by Eric White

Are you interested in 1,000% growth? Is 1,000% growth in your money of interest to you? Copyright © Eric White

Have you ever had any contact with EasyChairClub? could you use twice your money back in as little as two weeks? When we see these type of claims we all go, no thanks. That is too good to be true. Most ofrepparttar time that isrepparttar 116770 right answer, however, I have been doing some research and have been testing this system out overrepparttar 116771 last month or so. What I will share with you here arerepparttar 116772 experiences that I personally have had with this group. The successes and some ofrepparttar 116773 differences betweenrepparttar 116774 two programs.

MagicDoubler and DollarMonster are similar programs (with some subtle differences) Both are based on a fast cycle Matrix which provides you "Double your investment" in x days. The time x varies with matrix build and traffic though put. When released MyMagicDoubler had a cycle time of 6 Days! Both programs have cycled an average of 11-15 days with some periods out at almost 30 days. Sorepparttar 116775 worst case to-date has been 200 % return in 30 days. (not bad for worst case) Test Drive: I ran a test early with DollarMonster where I invested just $25 of my own money. The objective was to see what could be returned in 30 days with this investment. This investment cycled 2.5 times inrepparttar 116776 30 days but I also did some advertising to my existing list and some free traffic sources. This was to bring inrepparttar 116777 second component torepparttar 116778 system. You receive 20% commission on your direct referrals, these payments are made atrepparttar 116779 time of investment. Take note here, that is each investment made by your referral. I turnedrepparttar 116780 $25 investment into $368. The results of my trial can be seen at http://edwinc.com/test-the-monster.htm Can you really get your money out? I here you say. That was my other test. The original $25 fromrepparttar 116781 above test, has been withdrawn successfully. Also $75 invested which turned into $150 was also withdrawn. No problems, no questions, it takes approximately 12 hours fromrepparttar 116782 time you request payment torepparttar 116783 time your IntGold or Stormpay accounts are credited. I tested both.

Programs Compared: Easy chair have focused MagicDoubler on generating continued residual income. Where DollarMonster allows you to draw all your money once it has cycled (if you choose). You are still able to invest part or all of your account balance, this is a manual task completed by you. DollarMonster pays straight 20% for each investment your referrals make. You have access to this money immediately. Also When your position doubles you have access torepparttar 116784 whole amount, e.g. if you put in 100, you get 200 available when it doubles. MyMagicDoubler managesrepparttar 116785 partial reinvestment for you which helps to ensurerepparttar 116786 matrix continues to build.

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