7 Things for your NOT-Do List

Written by Kathy Gates

Have you ever noticed how easy it is to find yourself reacting to life's daily busy-ness? You end up accomplishing nothing of real value. Try this "Not-Do" List, to see where you could cut out some ofrepparttar intrusions on your daily life, so that you can find time to look at what's really important to you.

1. Don't answerrepparttar 123730 phone. Isn't that why God made answering machines and teenagers? Takerepparttar 123731 calls on YOUR schedule instead of everyone else's. Ask friends and family not to call during certain hours. Don't be rude; just explain that you're trying to make your time work for you instead of against you. We all haverepparttar 123732 same 24 hours. You can either live it according to everyone else's schedule, or you can decide when and how you will use your own time. Put life on YOUR schedule, instead of just reacting torepparttar 123733 next thing that catches your attention.

2. Don't accept an invitation to a party. If it'srepparttar 123734 one Saturday you have free that month, and you really want to spend it alone with your spouse, or working on a personal project, say no thank you with love and grace. By saying no to others, you have said yes to your marriage and to yourself. Remember that you always have options, and you are always at choice. It's unrealistic to think that everyone will hate you if you don't attend a party. Don't lose sight ofrepparttar 123735 big picture.

3. Don't makerepparttar 123736 bed. No, this is not an invitation to become Mr&Ms. Sloppy. While I'm a 100% advocate on how a cluttered environment affects a cluttered mind, all I'm really suggesting here is to dumprepparttar 123737 "good girl/good guy" routine for a while. And don't use repparttar 123738 excuse, "that's justrepparttar 123739 way I am." Try retraining yourself to be a little looser. Does it really matter if you leave dishes inrepparttar 123740 sink? Or does it really matter that you spendrepparttar 123741 extra 5 minutes listening to your child's story. Realize that you are still just as loveable even if you aren't perfect.

4. Don't watchrepparttar 123742 news. You pay attention what you put into your body; pay attention to what you put into your mind. I'm not advocating that you become completely uninformed aboutrepparttar 123743 world around you, but studies have shown that people often experience heightened emotions, anxiety, even anger when watching these programs. Dr. Andrew Weil even suggests a total "news fast" for one day -- don't read, watch, or listen to any news for one day, then increase it as you feel comfortable. If that's too drastic for you, perhaps try a method that's a little less invasive, such as print or online, where you have a bit more control thanrepparttar 123744 images being right in your living room. Choose your news carefully.

What's 'Good Enough' For You?

Written by Joe Bingham

"Your potential is only limited by your attitude. "

I have a certain set of relatives, on my wife's side, that will make a good example here. They often find cause to be jealous of what I have and therefore don't like me very much. It's obvious what their problem is, however, and there's not much I can do about it.

They have a lower standard of what is 'good enough' than my wife and I do. When my wife and I talk aboutrepparttar future, it contains plans for a larger log home, money forrepparttar 123729 kids for college or whatever they want to do, time spent traveling, camping, hunting and fishing, a new van, and being able to help others out that need it.

Now, we aren't where we want to be yet, but inrepparttar 123730 mean time we do have a good home, a good car, we do get in some traveling and camping, and we are working toward improving things forrepparttar 123731 future.

When visiting these relatives, however, I hear and seerepparttar 123732 same things over and over.

"Well, this house may not be much, but at least I own it and it's good enough." (It's a beat up old single wide trailer with an open 35 gallon trash can right inrepparttar 123733 middle ofrepparttar 123734 living room and a cattle trough for a bathtub.)

"I ain't getting rich with this job, but at least it paysrepparttar 123735 bills, and that's good enough." (He makes $7.50 an hour and gets laid off 3 months every winter)

"I don't have a real nice car, but I got 4 of them. That way if one breaks down I just use another until I get it fixed, or until it breaks down. That works out good enough." (His four cars are all at least 30 years old and do routinely take their turns at breaking down.)

Cont'd on page 2 ==>
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