7 Steps to Managing Your Time Effectively

Written by Everett Williams

Everett Williams is a home business entrepreneur. He is also a webmaster and writer.. Visit http://net-bookstore.com for exclusive ebooks and software.

10 criteria to evaluate Business Opportunities.

Written by Trent Brownrigg

What Should You Look For in a Home Business Opportunity?

Many people often ask how they know if an opportunity is legitimate. There are so many different scams out there that it is hard to determine legitimacy. I believe it is absolutely necessary to check out any opportunity very thoroughly before getting involved. This is especially true if they ask for money up front! There are a lot of great legitimate opportunities out there....you just need to find them.

Here are some factors I recommend looking for in an opportunity before you invest your time and/or money:

1) Ongoing support to help you succeed.

2) Successfully been in business for a number of years. (The morerepparttar merrier)

3) Reasonable income expectations with no limit on amounts you can earn. (should not claim you will get rich fast but it should be possible to make a great income with effort and time)

4) Free to Join, No Hidden Fees. (Don't have to pay anything unless you request it and it will help your business)

5) Solid Reputation. Backed byrepparttar 117108 Better Business Bureau and/or at least a few ofrepparttar 117109 other companies that help stop you from getting scammed (Internet Trade Bureau, Scambusters, Federal Trade Commission, Direct Sellers Association, etc...)

Cont'd on page 2 ==>
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