7 Simple Steps To Web Wealth

Written by Sopan Greene, M.A., www.NetMarketingMastery.com

A lot of people and companies have websites. They also have products and services they want people to know about. Unfortunately, most of these people and companies waste most of their time on things that don't help them to make money. Here are 7 areas to focus on that will help you make more money:

1. Remember that marketing is more important than what your product is. If you haverepparttar greatest product ever and no one knows about it you won't make any money.

Direct response marketing online is very similar to direct response marketing offline. 90% of your time should be invested in marketing because nothing else will make you money. Don't waste time figuring out how to do it right. Studyrepparttar 120698 people who have already spent time and money on learning what does and doesn't work. Then you can spend more of your time on collecting cash.

2. You must have a back end product to make good money. The way to makerepparttar 120699 most money is to first offer FREE information that is valuable. This will begin your relationship with a customer. Then have a product that is under $50 for a front end. Make surerepparttar 120700 front end product is somehow connected torepparttar 120701 back end product. For example, if you sell a $10 book on shaving points off your golf score, you want to have a back end product like a $300 course onrepparttar 120702 best proven techniques forrepparttar 120703 most effective golf swing ever.

3. Your product needs to be valuable to your customers. They need to believe that what they receive is worth a lot more than what they paid for it. That will make them a life-long customer. Sell them something worthless and they will be unhappy and they will be gone forever. Sell products you believe in or don't sell anything.

4. Give your customers FREE bonuses and more than you promised. Under promise and over deliver. Make your customers say "Wow!" when they receive your products. Don't just make them happy, blow their minds with how much value they get from you.

There are thousands of low cost bonus products you can throw in as a thank you. Even better, these low cost bonuses can make your customers a lot of money and they will appreciate you more. Besides, it's more ethical and fun and creative to build in great extras and bonuses for people. The bottom line isrepparttar 120704 more you giverepparttar 120705 more you get.

Britney Spears Branding

Written by Sopan Greene, M.A., www.NetMarketingMastery.com

How would you like to sell as much in one year as Britney sells in one day or in one hour? Have you put much thought into how marketing empires are created? If you're selling anything then you're a marketer and you should studyrepparttar biggest successes to follow in their footsteps.

We've all heard of branding, but do you do it? Have you branded yourself? If you have, are you expanding your marketing opportunities with your brand?

Once you've created a name, built successful marketing campaigns and gotten people to know and like who you and your company are don't stop there.

The real money is in building multiple streams of income. Once your brand begins to build you can diversify to create your own franchise. Think Star Wars, Harry Potter,repparttar 120697 books for "Dummies." You don't have to be a celebrity or an acclaimed author to cash in, but we can definitely learn from them.

Here are some examples:

Britney Spears makes money on CD's, concert sales, posters, books, movie appearances, TV appearances, videos, Pepsi commercials and other endorsements.

Paul Newman makes money on movies, and makes money for charity on salad dressing, pasta sauce, popcorn, salsa, lemonade, steak sauce, cook books, T-shirts, hats, and sweatshirts.

Mark Victor Hansen and Jack Canfield (The "Chicken Soup For The (fill in a lucrative target market here) Soul" authors make money on a series of books and tapes so large and profitable that they have their own book rack at Barnes and Noble stores everywhere. There are over 35 titles and 53 million copies in print in over 32 languages. What if they would have stopped withrepparttar 120698 first title and not bothered to expandrepparttar 120699 money making potential of their brand?

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