7 Secrets To High Performance Thinking - Part 2

Written by John Colanzi

In part 1 of this 7 part series we discussedrepparttar power of relaxation. Any task we attempt is easier if we are relaxed, especially mental conditioning.

In this report we're going to discuss visualization. Visualization is a powerful tool when combined with relaxation.

Many individuals say they are unable to visualize or create pictures in their minds.

That's not really true.

They visualize, but because they haven't practiced controlling their mental pictures, they see what they want to avoid rather than what they want to accomplish.

Your mind absorbs what you input and that's why so many of your fears come true.

You can either control your mental pictures or they will control you.

You will be drawn to any picture you hold long enough in your minds eye. No wonder so many of us end up repeatingrepparttar 123737 same negative habit patterns over and over.

If you want to become prosperous and successful, you must take control ofrepparttar 123738 movies you play in your mind.

The first step is to make visualizing your more successful, prosperous self a daily habit.

When you first begin to practice seeing yourself in a new light, your rational mind will rebel andrepparttar 123739 doubts will creep in.

You'll only be able to hold your mental pictures for short periods of time.

As your practice continues you will be able to holdrepparttar 123740 pictures for longer periods of time and you'll be able to view them in ever greater detail.

7 Secrets To High Performance Thinking - Part 6

Written by John Colanzi

The Taoist's have a saying, "The Journey isrepparttar reward."

High performance thinkers exemplify that remark.

They pick their profession, not because ofrepparttar 123736 money they expect to make, but because ofrepparttar 123737 joy it brings them.

Inrepparttar 123738 words of J. Paul Getty, they've learned to thrive onrepparttar 123739 pressure.

They don't see what they do as do or die.

They've learned to laugh at themselves and try not to take things too seriously.

What others may consider a problem, they consider a challenge.

Their sense of humor and ability to enjoy their work increases as their abilities increase.

Many times they spend long hours on a task not because they feel a need to work hard, but because they have so much fun at what they do.

Cont'd on page 2 ==>
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