So far we've discussed relaxation and visualization. In this report we're going to talk about autosuggestion aka. self-talk.Autosuggestion is simplest of 7 secrets. It's also my favorite.
It's simply talking to yourself. You pick a habit or quality you wish to acquire and repeat it to yourself over and over.
It's my favorite technique, because it literally changed my life.
Don't shrug it off.
It may appear simple, but it's oh so powerful.
I was in my late 40's, my business had gone bust and my health was shot.
I saw no way out.
I just knew odds were against my ever getting out of situation I found myself in.
Broke, clock ticking and unable to work.
Well as song says, if you ain't got nothin, you ain't got nothin to lose.
Since I had nothing to lose, I started using autosuggestion.