7 Secrets To High Performance Thinking

Written by John Colanzi

So far we've discussed relaxation and visualization. In this report we're going to talk about autosuggestion aka. self-talk.

Autosuggestion isrepparttar simplest ofrepparttar 123744 7 secrets. It's also my favorite.

It's simply talking to yourself. You pick a habit or quality you wish to acquire and repeat it to yourself over and over.

It's my favorite technique, because it literally changed my life.

Don't shrug it off.

It may appear simple, but it's oh so powerful.

I was in my late 40's, my business had gone bust and my health was shot.

I saw no way out.

I just knewrepparttar 123745 odds were against my ever getting out ofrepparttar 123746 situation I found myself in.

Broke,repparttar 123747 clock ticking and unable to work.

Well asrepparttar 123748 song says, if you ain't got nothin, you ain't got nothin to lose.

Since I had nothing to lose, I started using autosuggestion.

Discovering Your Personal Treasure Chest

Written by Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein

Have you ever wished forrepparttar Publishers Clearing House to come to your door one bright and early morning? Or perhaps you bought a lottery ticket, feelingrepparttar 123743 anticipation of being sent a substantial check every week forrepparttar 123744 rest of your life. Although you may not realize it, metaphoricallyrepparttar 123745 Publishers Clearing House comes by your door every morning, and every day you haverepparttar 123746 winning lottery ticket. How is this possible? Well, within you there already exists a treasure chest. It is filled withrepparttar 123747 priceless jewels of your own positive memories and your capacities to achieve positive states of being.

Don't be afraid to open up that treasure chest and peek inside. Ah! What is that first jewel, that shiny object that resembles a beautiful sparkling sapphire? That jewel represents something positive that happened to you. What was it? Was it those few minutes you sat onrepparttar 123748 porch and watchedrepparttar 123749 sun's rays shining throughrepparttar 123750 trees? Or was it when a friend called and invited you to come over -- perhapsrepparttar 123751 friend that you had meant to call many months ago but didn't call? Or was it nothing in particular other than allrepparttar 123752 breaths of air that you inhaled and exhaled,repparttar 123753 heart beats that continue to supportrepparttar 123754 being that is you? You'll have to decide what that sapphire really is, as well asrepparttar 123755 diamond andrepparttar 123756 ruby and all those beautiful pearls. Each one belongs to you and each one is a positive memory that you can tap into again and again.

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