7 Sales Creating Tips To Enhance Your Profits

Written by Ken Hill

1. Promote your business in ezines by placing classified ads, solo ads, and sponsor ads.

2. Write articles for publication in ezines. This will give you a powerful way to reach thousands of subscribers while building up your reputation as an expert in your field.

3. Increase your visitor's perceived value of your product by charging a higher price for it. People often associate a higher price with a better product - be careful not to underprice your products.

4. Load your ad copy withrepparttar benefits your visitors will get by purchasing your product. Also includerepparttar 120815 features of your product but translate these into tangible benefits your visitor will get from owning your product.

What Are 7 Psychological Triggers That Make People Buy?

Written by Arina Nikitina

Did you know that there are seven psychological techniques that literary persuade people to buy?

When I first used them in my sales letter I increasedrepparttar response rate by 257% overnight! You can use them not only in your sales letter but also in your ads, headlines, and even newsletter.

Trigger #1: Reason Why

Tell people WHY you're doing something. Don't be a mystery for your customers. People are more likely to buy from an ordinary person they know something about.

Are you giving 25% discount on your product? Giverepparttar 120814 people honest reason why. Are you limitingrepparttar 120815 number of products you want to sell? Tell people why.

If you tell your visitors aboutrepparttar 120816 reasons of doing something they will be more likely to trust you and to buy from you.

Trigger #2: Specifics

Tellrepparttar 120817 specifics. "How I made $1,057 in a week" sounds more believable than "How I made $1,000 in a week".

People are sceptic. If you include specifics people will be more likely to believe you.

If you state a fact, make it specific. General numbers never sounded plausible.

Trigger #3: Curiosity

We all are extremely curious. We want to know answers to our questions. Tell people not to open this email and they will open it. Because they want to know what's inside.

Headlines like "Discoverrepparttar 120818 hidden secret of free ezine advertising" are always producing great results. You immediately want to know "What secret?".

Curiosity trigger is a great way to get your email opened. It also works great in ads and in articles. Likerepparttar 120819 title of this article: "What Are 7 Psychological Triggers That Make People Buy?" :)

Trigger #4: Fear to Lose Something

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