7 New Man Health Laws That May Shock YOU!

Written by Robert Walker

Did you know that... by making these unsual, but healthy choices may lead you to your health goals.

Today's man gets blasted with many health cures and remedies underrepparttar sun to get rid of ailments of other health problems. Man get second-hand information or fall intorepparttar 143796 health-food-industry hype.

Here are some off-the-beaten-path ways that modern men may find will not flatten your wallet and just might help you to make a better,healthier choices.

1. Coffee more than just a quick jolt.

Studies have shown that consuming 24oz daily. of coffee has been linked to lower risk of Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's in later life. So have a hot cup of java!

2. Shed a few pounds diet soda, eat whole wheat bread and brown rice

We have become a nation of habit. Most people consumerepparttar 143797 same drinks and foods for years. Toasted white bread anyone. How about nice cold soft drink? I bet that hitsrepparttar 143798 spot! Did know that by cutting out many ofrepparttar 143799 processed sugars and white flour products you can shave almost 5 pounds off that ever growing mid-section over time. Ok, so give me some whole wheat toast and a nice cold DIET soft drink. MMMMM! Just as good and healthier to boot.

3. Here's an interesting tidbit,a tody for your body.

Research has shown that dark beers are high inrepparttar 143800 benificial flavonoids we here about; although light beers while less filling are not.

4.Got a sweet tooth who doesn't! Try this tasty treat.

A recent study proves when you get that sweet tooth grab forrepparttar 143801 dark chocolate. Said to rich in our friendrepparttar 143802 flavonoid, it'srepparttar 143803 antioxidant ingredient found in cocoa. Their is a likelihood that a lower blood pressure will result and less some hazardous blood clots.

5.Who needs viagra? Not you if you try this.

Reseachers tested men who exercise and burn at least 200 calories daily. What was discovered is men had a lower risk of erectile dyfunction. So no more Mister Couch Potato gentlemen. Exercise will being that old spark back into your realationship. Wink;)

6.Userepparttar 143804 yogurt Luke! Something forrepparttar 143805 Star Wars fan.

Ok may not. I gotta tell ya overweight dieters who ate no more than 3 servings of fat-free yogurt daily reduced their weight byrepparttar 143806 average of 22% also lowered 61% bodyfat than other dieters who didn't get that boost of calcium. Something to think about.

7.Oh Nuts!

If you eat 1oz. of nuts a day you may reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease. Sorepparttar 143807 passrepparttar 143808 peanuts please! unsalted sorry!


The ultimate benefit you will feeland look healthier. Please don't become a statistic like:

A 35 year old study shows that most men are likely to die of heart disease wer obese, smoked, or had high blood pressure and above average bad cholestrol levels.

If good health is your goal try putting some these unusal ways torepparttar 143809 test. The results may suprise you.

------------------------------------------------------------ Did you know that... by making these unsual, but healthy choices may lead you to your health goals.

An Alternative to Liposuction. Lipoliquidation or Lipodialysis

Written by Charles Kassotis

An Original Article Written By Owner and Webmaster of PlasticSurgeryOrg.com Charles Kassotis Even though liposuction methods have been greatly refined and simplified sincerepparttar initial onset of this method of plastic surgery, there still remain however a large amount of people who, had they had an alternative choice of dealing with their fatty deposits other thanrepparttar 143767 method which is currently and most widely used by plastic surgeons, they would have done so. If you are one of those people who would have liked to have dealt with your stubborn fatty deposits but, who just can’t quite come to terms with conventional liposuction methods and all that that entails,repparttar 143768 surgery (sometimes under general anesthetic),repparttar 143769 corsages (usually worn for one to two weeks), andrepparttar 143770 inevitable bruising then, onerepparttar 143771 methods outlined below may just very well berepparttar 143772 one that suits you. Lipoliquidation is but one ofrepparttar 143773 newest and, most revolutionary areas of cosmetic surgery which does not entailrepparttar 143774 use of a lancet. The basic concept regarding lipoliquidation pertains torepparttar 143775 use of certain medicines which are injected directly underrepparttar 143776 skin, and which are designed to fightrepparttar 143777 problem of stubborn fatty deposits right atrepparttar 143778 root. The medicinal solutions which are injected intorepparttar 143779 problem areas ruinrepparttar 143780 lining ofrepparttar 143781 fatty-cells releasing, in turn,repparttar 143782 fat, thereby allowingrepparttar 143783 body’s natural excretion mechanisms to expelrepparttar 143784 fat and toxins fromrepparttar 143785 body. There are a variety of solutions which are available torepparttar 143786 plastic surgeon who undertakes lipoliquidation as a method of dealing with fatty deposits. Below are outlinedrepparttar 143787 various solutions available, how they are used and, for what kind of areas ofrepparttar 143788 body they are recommended for. HOMOTOXICOLOGICAL MEDICINAL INJECTIONS This refers to a ‘cocktail’ of vegetable substances which are used primarily inrepparttar 143789 field of homeopathy in order to stimulaterepparttar 143790 body’s self-repair mechanisms. Homotoxicology is based onrepparttar 143791 theory that ‘ an illness isrepparttar 143792 body’s attempt to defend itself fromrepparttar 143793 toxins which have entered it’. The homotoxicological solutions used, reinforcerepparttar 143794 body’s defence mechanisms enabling thus,repparttar 143795 body to cure itself. Method of application: a form of injectional therapy is undertaken. Firstly,repparttar 143796 dermatologist inserts needles withrepparttar 143797 substance to be used inrepparttar 143798 area withrepparttar 143799 problem and, following this he undertakes a ‘systematic’ approach by way of placing needles onrepparttar 143800 patients’ foot acupunctional energy points. The homotoxicological substance is then transferred torepparttar 143801 fatty tissue causing lipoliquidation. Areas of use:repparttar 143802 homotoxicological method is used for thighs, buttocks and calves. There are no side-effects. Furthermore, parallel torepparttar 143803 injectional therapy, inversional pressure massage is also undertaken as this assists inrepparttar 143804 channeling ofrepparttar 143805 lymph throughrepparttar 143806 lymphic route allowing it to be carried out ofrepparttar 143807 body along withrepparttar 143808 fat. THREE-SOLUTION COMBINATION This pertains torepparttar 143809 use of three different solutions which have been found to undertake a ‘chemical’ attack againstrepparttar 143810 fatty tissues gradually ruining them. The first step is to issue intorepparttar 143811 body a medicine which tones uprepparttar 143812 fatty tissues’ micro-circulatory system. The second medicine is very drastic and is widely used to counteract high cholesterol levels on people who are hyperlipidynamic. Oncerepparttar 143813 fat has been dissolved, a third medicine, aminophiline which is a diuretic is issued assistingrepparttar 143814 body in expellingrepparttar 143815 fat.

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