7 Incredible Lifesaving Tips to Manage Your Anger

Written by Michael Lee

Experiencing anger is extremely dangerous to your health. It causes your adrenaline and blood pressure to rise up at above normal levels. Moreover, you could end up hurting someone or doing something that you will regret later on.

Here are 7 fantastic tips to help you berepparttar one in control of yourself, and notrepparttar 115092 hazardous madman called "Anger."

1) Relax and visualize.

Calm yourself down. Take a deep breath. As you exhale, imagine all those bottled-up fury come out of your nose and mouth. Release it and be free. Repeat this step over and over until you feel peace inside.

Then visualize being in a place where you feel most happy, calm, and relaxed. It may be a place like a beach, garden, scenic locations, or anywhere else you might think of. Just imagine being there and inhalingrepparttar 115093 essence of your serene environment. By doing this, you will not find it hard to attain inner peace.

2) Pour out your anger to safe outlets.

You had a big quarrel with your former friend. He betrayed your trust. You want vengeance and you're raving mad.

Hold it. Restrain yourself.

Try your best to get away from him as far as you can. You don't want to hurt anyone. Anger can possess your brain into doing something that you wouldn't dare do before.

How do you then release your anger if you can't restrict it anymore?

Buy a punching bag, then pour out all your rage in it. Punch it, kick it, strangle it. Imaginerepparttar 115094 punching bag is your enemy. When you're done, you will feel a sense of satisfaction. You may even punch and kick through thin air if you desire.

Another way to release it is "SHOUT!" Find a distant place where you can be alone - a place where no one can hear you. Atrepparttar 115095 top of your voice, yell out loud "Aaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrgggggghhhhhhh." You can choose any word you like as long as you release all those angry demons out of your chest.

Food Sources That Boost Glutathione Naturally

Written by Priya Shah

Copyright © 2004 Priya Shah

Glutathione,repparttar body's master antioxidant and detoxifier, is one ofrepparttar 115091 14 "Superfoods" listed in SuperFoods Rx : Fourteen Foods That Will Change Your Life, co-authored by Dr Steven Pratt.

Glutathione levels cannot be increased to a clinically beneficial extent by orally ingesting a single dose of glutathione. (1) This is because glutathione is manufactured insiderepparttar 115092 cell, from its precursor amino acids, glycine, glutamate and cystine.

Hence food sources or supplements that increase glutathione must either providerepparttar 115093 precursors of glutathione, or enhance its production by some other means.

The manufacture of glutathione in cells is limited byrepparttar 115094 levels of its sulphur-containing precursor amino acid, cysteine.

Cysteine - as a free amino acid - is potentially toxic and is spontaneously catabolized or destroyed inrepparttar 115095 gastrointestinal tract and blood plasma. However, when it is present as a cysteine-cysteine dipeptide, called cystine, it is more stable than cysteine.

Consuming foods rich in sulphur-containing amino acids can help boost glutathione levels. Here are some food sources and dietary supplements that help boost glutathione levels naturally.

1. N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC)

It is derived fromrepparttar 115096 amino acid L-Cysteine, and acts as a precursor of glutathione. NAC is quickly metabolized into glutathione once it entersrepparttar 115097 body. It has been proven in numerous scientific studies and clinical trials, to boost intracellular production of glutathione, and is approved byrepparttar 115098 FDA for treatment of accetaminophen overdose. Because of glutathione's mucolytic action, NAC (brand name Mucomyst) is commonly used inrepparttar 115099 treatment of lung diseases like cystic fibrosis, bronchitis and asthma.

2. Milk Thistle, Silymarin

Milk thistle is a powerful antioxidant and supportsrepparttar 115100 liver by preventingrepparttar 115101 depletion of glutathione. Silymarin isrepparttar 115102 active compound of milk thistle. It is a natural liver detoxifier and protectsrepparttar 115103 liver from many industrial toxins such as carbon tetrachloride, and more common agents like alcohol.

3. Alpha Lipoic Acid

Made naturally in body cells as a by-product of energy release, ALA increasesrepparttar 115104 levels of intra-cellular glutathione, and is a natural antioxidant with free radical scavenging abilities. It hasrepparttar 115105 ability to regenerate oxidized antioxidants like Vitamin C and E and helps to make them more potent. ALA is also known for its ability to enhance glucose uptake and may help preventrepparttar 115106 cellular damage accompanyingrepparttar 115107 complications of diabetes. It also has a protective effect inrepparttar 115108 brain.

4. Natural Foods That Boost Glutathione Levels

Asparagus is a leading source of glutathione. Foods like broccoli (2), avocado and spinach are also known to boost glutathione levels. Raw eggs, garlic and fresh unprocessed meats contain high levels of sulphur-containing amino acids and help to maintain optimal glutathione levels.

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