7 Habits of Highly Effective Bloggers

Written by Fabian Lim

Copyright 2005 BizSuccessOnline

Blogging is IN!

And it's here to stay!

Blogs are easy to set up and use.

And you can create a good blog by writing outrepparttar thoughts that roam in your mind and presto - and you'll be blogging like a pro before you even know it!

Here are 7 essential habits you should develop if you want to be a highly effective blogger:

Blogging Habit #1 - Determine Your Purpose

Highly effective bloggers blog with a clear purpose in mind.

So decide on a purpose for your blog.

Blogs exist to filter information, organize business information, share news and profitable content, establish professional identities and bonds, discuss social issues, or muse about life in general.

Beginning in a focused manner is one ofrepparttar 108622 best ways to start a blog.

And knowing your 'mission' will help you accomplish more with your blog.

Blogging Habit #2 - Define Your Audience

Highly effective bloggers understand their target audience.

Their wants, needs, likes and dislikes, and possible reactions and responses.

So always reflect on your anticipated audience.

You conduct yourself differently with friends than you will with professional associates, strangers, customers, or family members.

Knowing who you're writing to beforehand, allows you to adopt acceptable and appropriate tones in your blog journals.

Blogging Habit #3 - Blog With Passion

Blog with passion!

Andrepparttar 108623 best way to achieve this is to write on a topic you are most passionate about.

Andrepparttar 108624 more you're passionate about a topic,repparttar 108625 more it'll show in your writing.

Remember, a blog isrepparttar 108626 place for voicing opinions - Your Opinions!

So, engage your readers with a passion and make your writing interesting.

Blogging Habit #4 - Blog Frequently

Highly effective bloggers understandrepparttar 108627 importance of blogging frequently.

Your aim, as a blogger, is to get interested readers to return to your site to seerepparttar 108628 latest scoop, what's new and what's not,repparttar 108629 'ins' and 'outs'.

10 Reasons Why Affiliates Should Submit Articles...

Written by Anik Singal

Copyright 2005 Anik Singal

I see affiliates complain allrepparttar time about a lack of traffic and how they think “it’s too hard” to get qualified traffic, etc… But then when I ask them one simple question, 98% of them never answer correctly.

I ask them “Are you submitting articles?” They answer “no…”

Well, how can you run an affiliate business if you’re not using one ofrepparttar 108621 best forms of traffic generators inrepparttar 108622 business! Submitting articles is one ofrepparttar 108623 best ways to guarantee yourself mass amounts of traffic that lasts forever!

Here are 10 reasons off ofrepparttar 108624 top of my head of why you should be submitting articles…

1. You'll brand your web site, business and yourself by submitting articles to e-zines. You could include your name, business name, your credentials, web site address and e-mail address in your resource box.

2. You will become known as an expert onrepparttar 108625 topics you write about. This will give you and your business extra credibility which will help you compete against your competition. 3. Your article might also be placed onrepparttar 108626 publisher's home page. If they publish each issue on their home page this will give you some extra exposure.

4. You might get extra exposure ifrepparttar 108627 e-zine publisher archives their e-zine on their site. People might want to readrepparttar 108628 back issues before they makerepparttar 108629 decision to subscribe.

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