7.5 Ways To Get More Sales Through Your Web Site

Written by Michael Cheney, www.magnet4web.com ©

Yes, apparently - websites are supposed to make money! Somebody came up withrepparttar strange idea that it's really not enough to spend thousands on your site, hundreds of hours creatingrepparttar 124820 content and then sitting back to admire it. No - apparently it is now 'the in thing' to have a web site that actually makes a contribution to your company’s profit.. 'Return on in investment' is a good phrase that's being thrown around - what are you actually making from your web site in cash terms? Ever thought about that? Well, you should be thinking about it.

Not only should you be tracking whererepparttar 124821 money is coming from but also where it's gone to. No point kidding yourself - it wasn't cheap was it? There wererepparttar 124822 developer's costs,repparttar 124823 graphic design costs and hopefully some costs set aside for taking on web site marketing experts to get your site found. You should track what you've spent and then see what's coming throughrepparttar 124824 door rather than going out when it comes to your web site. To help you - in what needs to be a constant review and improve process - here are 7.5 ways to get more sales through your web site.

"Get On With It!", I hear you shout, "Tell Me The 7.5 Ways To Make More Sales!"

1. Use a professional web developer to buildrepparttar 124825 site inrepparttar 124826 first place.

Don't cut corners or budgets. How many business owners have an idea for a business and then take uprepparttar 124827 science of bricklaying to build their own shop or premises? Exactly - don't do it. Your job is to run your business effectively - not designing websites.

2. Use a professional graphic designer when your site is being developed.

If you use your friend next door we can all tell. A rough rule of thumb is to spend 10% of what you would likerepparttar 124828 web site to make. Just think about that for a minute when you get ‘that guy from downrepparttar 124829 pub’ to 'knock you one up for £100..". And remember - you'll need professional web development AND professional graphic design input. Web developers are not designers. Graphic designers are not web developers. Glad we've got that cleared up..

3. Use a professional web site marketing company to get your web site found - inrepparttar 124830 search engines, inrepparttar 124831 directories - on anywhere onrepparttar 124832 web that matters.

Graphic designers can't do this. Most web developers can't do this. And you certainly can't do this - you're supposed to be running your business, remember? Spotrepparttar 124833 theme here? Yes – outsourced professionals. You don't get a plumber in to lay your carpet do you? Don't makerepparttar 124834 same mistake when creating your web site - pull inrepparttar 124835 appropriate professionals forrepparttar 124836 appropriate tasks. Which brings us nicely on to way number 4...

List Building vs. Search Engine Optimization: Which One Really Works Better?

Written by Robert Gwuzd

List Building vs. Search Engine Optimization: Which One Really Works Better? by Robert Gwuzd © 2004 http://www.opt-insolution.com

It seemsrepparttar excitement about search engine optimization fades in and out from time to time. The more people talk about search engine optimization (SEO)repparttar 124819 more it seems to berepparttar 124820 logical choice for bringing customers to your site. However, there are some points that I haven’t seen anyone else make as of yet aboutrepparttar 124821 effectiveness of SEO versusrepparttar 124822 effectiveness of building a responsive list. I think you’ll be surprised to see which one comes out on top.

Rules and Regulations

There are rules and regulations for almost everything in life. List building and SEO are no different.

Rules for SEO: Your HTML coding has to be just so in order to rank highly onrepparttar 124823 engines. Your copy (text) also needs to include specific keywords a certain number of times in specific places or you might not be accepted. And if you are accepted, unless you follow allrepparttar 124824 “dos” and “don’ts” of SEO, you’ll likely not seerepparttar 124825 top 10… or evenrepparttar 124826 top 50.

Rules for List Building: Offer a good product or service; notify your list about it, and watchrepparttar 124827 sales come in.

The Only Constant Is Change

If you do get accepted inrepparttar 124828 search engines, you might be tempted to rest easy. Don’t! As we’ve seen in recent months, search engines can change their policies and ranking orders atrepparttar 124829 flip of a switch. If you depend on search engines for all your traffic, such a change could leave you completely out of business. Not good!

Lists onrepparttar 124830 other hand are built from loyalty… not rules and regulations. The people who subscribe to your list, ezine, or newsletter are there because they want to be. They’ve come to you because you offer them something of quality… something unique.

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