6 Tips To Help With Your Workout

Written by Laura Hickey - http://www.laurahickey.com

In today’s world of rushing to our next appointment, doing more and often times super sizing our meals, it can feel like there’s no time or energy left to work out. We may atrepparttar New Year put in our resolutions what we’re like to work on such as gaining a 6 pack or losing extra weight in other places. But by 2 or 3 weeks intorepparttar 139349 New Year, we may have lostrepparttar 139350 excitement and energy we once had when we were writing these goals down. But there are some easy ways to help yourself get back into keeping track of your work out.

Drink Water- Do you ever feel like you’d rather just sit onrepparttar 139351 couch or lay in bed for hours after a hard day at work? Drinking more water, preferably when you’re not at work to avoid every 20 or so minute bathroom trips can help you look and feel better. Not to mention it flushes outrepparttar 139352 toxins and leaves you having more energy.

A log- Keeping a log of how many squats, crunches and or pounds will help encourage yourself to move forward with your workout. You don’t need a fancy log book. A simple inexpensive notebook and pen or pencil will dorepparttar 139353 trick.

Friends- If you tell your friends or work out with one, you’re more likely to keep sticking to your goal. Not to mention your friend could be your cheerleader when times are tough.

Reminders- Putting in one area such as your night stand isn’t enough. The saying of "Out of sight, out of mind" is very true. But if you leave little reminders aroundrepparttar 139354 house, working out will constantly be in your mind thus preventing forgetting what your workout plan for that day is.

Twelve ways to avoid asthma while loving your pet.

Written by David Kane

Copyright 2005 David Kane

Any asthma sufferer allergic to their pet would improve their condition if they found another home forrepparttar animal. Yet many cannot face going through with this and decide to keeprepparttar 139325 pet and suffer. However, you can take steps to make living with your pet easier.

Firstly, understand that a shorthaired animal can trigger asthma as easily as a longhaired animal. The problem is not hair. Animal saliva, sweat, urine and dander (flakes of dead skin) can act as powerful allergens. Petting, grooming or vacuuming can stirrepparttar 139326 allergen intorepparttar 139327 air leaving it to float throughrepparttar 139328 air for hours.

If you cannot bear to part from your pet try these measures:

1. Decide which areas ofrepparttar 139329 house will become your exclusion zones. I recommend you never allow your pet into at least two rooms,repparttar 139330 bedroom and lounge. You may want to add other rooms torepparttar 139331 list. If your pet once slept in those rooms, wash as much ofrepparttar 139332 bedding or upholstery as possible and consider buying a new mattress and duvet. Keeprepparttar 139333 animal’s bed in another room, perhaps a utility room or lobby. For a cat, sprinkle some catnip there to makerepparttar 139334 area seem more attractive.

2. Make sure anyone handling your pet washes their hands before touchingrepparttar 139335 asthmatic person or enteringrepparttar 139336 pet-free rooms.

3. Keeprepparttar 139337 pet outdoors as much as possible. You could build it a shed or out-house and make it as warm and comfortable as you can. Feedrepparttar 139338 pet there sometimes so that it feels at home.

4. If you allow your pet intorepparttar 139339 house consider replacing allergen friendly surfaces. Furniture should be made of wood or have leather or vinyl covers. Carpets should be replaced with cork tiles, vinyl flooring or linoleum. Another option is to polishrepparttar 139340 floorboards.

5. Regularly airrepparttar 139341 house and keep some windows ajar whenrepparttar 139342 cat or allergic person is inrepparttar 139343 home. You could get an HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Arrester) air filter to keeprepparttar 139344 air throughout your home as pure as possible, but it will only remove airborne allergens, not those left on furniture and carpets.

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