Written by Bob McElwain

When writing most anything,repparttar objective is produce copy that is easy to read. This is particularly true onrepparttar 129931 Web, because chances arerepparttar 129932 majority of your visitors and newsletter readers are in hurry-up mode. They'll pass on anything that seems hard to read. Here are ways you can improverepparttar 129933 readability of your work.

1) The simplest word available isrepparttar 129934 best choice.

Mark Twain often got paid byrepparttar 129935 word. He once commented he preferred city over metropolis. Sure,repparttar 129936 "joke" is that he got paid for either word, and that city is quicker and easier to write. But he also knew it made his work easier to read.

2) Avoid using adverbs and adjectives.

"This is very hard to do."

"This is awfully hard to do."

"This is hard to do."

Which ofrepparttar 129937 above do you feel isrepparttar 129938 best? I've asked a loaded question here, for "best" doesn't really apply. To strengthen your work, minimizerepparttar 129939 use of qualifiers. There is simply no question here. The last form isrepparttar 129940 strongest.

The point? Adverbs such as "very" and "awfully" often weaken, rather than strengthen. Inrepparttar 129941 previous sentence I was forced to use "often," for without itrepparttar 129942 sentence is not true. That is, adverbs and adjectives do not always mess things up. But they often or usually do.

Alternatively, consider breakingrepparttar 129943 flow. Then hit hard. Forrepparttar 129944 above, try:

"This is an awesome task."

This is a stronger claim than, "This is hard to do." Which is best depends uponrepparttar 129945 way you want to make your point and who you want to make it to.

3) Keep sentences as short as possible.

Above, "This is hard to do," is alsorepparttar 129946 better choice, for it's shorter. Here's a sentence I wrote for another purpose. (I'll refer below to this as the, "Original.")

"Subheadings must flow fromrepparttar 129947 headline, revealingrepparttar 129948 major benefits so that atrepparttar 129949 end ofrepparttar 129950 page,repparttar 129951 reader has a good feel forrepparttar 129952 content, even when onlyrepparttar 129953 headlines are scanned."

It's much, much to long. 34 words. While it's not hard to read, it does slow reading becauserepparttar 129954 length makes it more difficult to follow. Personally, I try to hold to under 15 words, and less whenever possible. Even though it's longer (45 words),repparttar 129955 following revision is easier to read.

Revision #1: "Subheadings should flow fromrepparttar 129956 headline. Each should reveal a major benefit torepparttar 129957 reader. And atrepparttar 129958 end ofrepparttar 129959 page, you wantrepparttar 129960 reader to have a good feel forrepparttar 129961 content. This matters because most only scanrepparttar 129962 headlines and subheadings."

4) Seek brevity and eliminate unnecessary words.

Revision #2: "Subheadings flow fromrepparttar 129963 headline. Each reveals a major benefit torepparttar 129964 reader. Collectively they need to describe page content. This matters because often only subheadings are scanned."

Supply-Side Freelance Writing

Written by Archie Sicat

A beachcomber,repparttar Internet reminds me ofrepparttar 129929 islands of Hawaii, where there are constant volcanic eruptions, pavingrepparttar 129930 way for a landmass that increases in size every day. Inrepparttar 129931 same way,repparttar 129932 ever-expanding Information Highway's explosive growth keeps giving birth to new careers such as those of Internet writers or Internet content providers.

AOL Chairman CEO Steve Case argues thatrepparttar 129933 battle for content isrepparttar 129934 Net's biggest pre-occupation since websites need to update their content pretty much daily. That is why mergers and acquisitions will continue to roll on, and we,repparttar 129935 content providers are just as well-placed to harvest from this constant growth much like railroad workers duringrepparttar 129936 cowboy days.

It's never easy, though, and I am talking from experience. If you think thatrepparttar 129937 opportunities will simply knock on your door, you're living in a world called Virtual Reality. For even asrepparttar 129938 Information Highway expands under your feet like hot lava, being an Internet Writer is very much like walking on a circus tightrope.

Writer's Digest claims that John Grisham used to send out 26 query letters daily in between attending court hearings before he became a famous writer. That is also how I began to lay claim torepparttar 129939 post of an Internet content provider. I am not famous yet, but like Grisham, I have a plan how to get there.

Indeed,repparttar 129940 road is fraught with rejections; but it is also a numbers game. In other words,repparttar 129941 more pitches you make,repparttar 129942 morerepparttar 129943 chances of winning. Early on I decided to uprepparttar 129944 ante for myself, that is, 30 pitches a day, or more if I haverepparttar 129945 time! And I am still doing that everyday.

Forrepparttar 129946 fact is, not everyone will appreciate your wares. I remember submitting a story to one famous web site, only to be told that I should take English lessons! And that, in spite ofrepparttar 129947 fact that I checked my grammar, punctuation and spelling before submittingrepparttar 129948 piece; putting my best foot forward so-to-speak. But like a door-to-door salesman, you'll make it soon if you try hard enough and if I may add, you're really good!

I will leaverepparttar 129949 part about being a really good writer to you. I will concentrate instead onrepparttar 129950 strategies and work habits that I espoused to succeed. Right now I am fully dependent on my freelance writing business with no net under my feet! How did I do that? It didn't happen overnight. The first time I did my first pitch was about a year ago, here at Inkspot. The editor did not approve of my story but she did so graciously. You don't find an editor like that everyday.

As I said, I just kept trying, sending out that endless stream of query letters. One day, I got a yes response and I couldn't believe it. I have been writing for more than a decade, but that was my first ever-successful foray into Internet writing. I got paid only $20 for a 500-word piece, but I was happy with that already. The editor was surprised that I charged him so little, he even wrote me a note withrepparttar 129951 check saying "are you sure you're charging only $20 for this?" I guess he had no idea at what stage I was in my Internet writing career! Nonetheless,repparttar 129952 strategy paid off. I figured that once you had at least one published story onrepparttar 129953 Net, it wasn't going to be too hard to landrepparttar 129954 next project and so on. Byrepparttar 129955 way, I got that first project from a classified ad at Inkspot!

So my advice is just keep firing off those query letters, and capitalize on your works published onrepparttar 129956 Net, making sure you always include those URLs in your pitches. It also helps to have your own web site, which contains your resume, contact information, and samples of work. That way, there is one convenient place where editors sizing you up can go. Mine was just a simple one, which I crafted from a free HTML software and free webspace but it serves its purpose.

Now here's how $20 grew into $50 and $100 and then $200 per story. I just kept pitching as usual, like a good salesman and my rate kept going up. Of course, I was still chargingrepparttar 129957 same for, say, a 500-word simple piece; but for more complicated ones likerepparttar 129958 Future of Telecommunications I ought to charge more andrepparttar 129959 editors of those sites did not complain since I had to do more research.

It helped that I was working as a Customer Service Specialist at Sprint Canada, one ofrepparttar 129960 big telephone companies in Canada, so I knew a lot about telecommunications. How does this situation apply to you? Well, capitalize on a topic where you know a great deal about, and impressrepparttar 129961 editor with your knowledge!

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