6 Signals You're Living in the Present

Written by Louise Morganti Kaelin

There is much written inrepparttar personal growth literature (heck, just in my own newsletter, 'The 3-Minute Coach!) about living inrepparttar 123403 moment. Keeping your eyes squarely on this moment may be one ofrepparttar 123404 most positive things you can do for yourself. There are scores of articles on why to live inrepparttar 123405 moment, but I thought it would be helpful for you to recognizerepparttar 123406 6 Signals that you're doing it successfully!

1. You feel fully present and alive. It's an 'all systems go' kind of feeling. You seem to know exactly what's going on in every cell of your body. Your senses are sharp and alert to everything going on around you.

2. There is a complete absence of fear or guilt. When you feel guilt, you are focused onrepparttar 123407 past; when you feel fear, you are focused onrepparttar 123408 future. This moment,repparttar 123409 one right here, you can handle this one.

3. What you do feel is a sense of calm and focus. Even with 'all systems go' as described above, you feel connected to your wisdom.

4. You can seerepparttar 123410 trees, but feel connected torepparttar 123411 forest. There is a big difference between living 'for'repparttar 123412 moment and living 'in'repparttar 123413 moment. Living 'in'repparttar 123414 moment implies there is a plan forrepparttar 123415 future. You knowrepparttar 123416 direction in which you go and how what you're doing now (the trees) brings you towards that future (the forest).

Fear of Forever

Written by Louise Morganti Kaelin

Have you ever found yourself with a goal in your line of vision yet unable to crossrepparttar last ten yards torepparttar 123402 finish line? There doesn't appear to be anybody or anything in repparttar 123403 way to stop you, and yet you just can't seem to take repparttar 123404 final leap and get where you want to be.

I've often wondered about this phenomenon and there are probably as many reasons for this as there are people. Fear of failure, fear of success, fear of disappointment, actually, a whole bunch of fears. And whenrepparttar 123405 goal is in sight, you can be pretty sure it's a fear of SOMETHING that stops you from taking those last few steps.

A fear that has come into play several times in my life, surprisingly enough, isrepparttar 123406 fear of Forever! That is a word that has frightened me more often than I care to admit. There is something so final about forever that it scares repparttar 123407 living daylights out of me.

What if I make a wrong choice? What if I continue to grow and change, and I don't like what I've chosen today? What if I go this way and miss something incredibly wonderful over that way? This seems such a silly thing to be afraid of, and yet it can paralyze one for a very long time.

I remember a time when it hit me (the proverbial lightning bolt of understanding) that something that was holding me up from allowing a relationship in my life wasrepparttar 123408 fact that I was committed to self-exploration, growth and development. I felt that I was constantly changing and was afraid that a relationship that I committed to today wouldn't berepparttar 123409 right one in one year, five years, ten years.

One day I was thinking of this and came at it fromrepparttar 123410 other direction. How much was I going to have to change to start wanting a jerk in my life? Becauserepparttar 123411 qualities I was looking for in a relationship all pointed towards allowing someone in who was basically 'nice': loving, supportive, growing, spiritual, etc. And I - finally!-couldn't imagine evolving so much that I was going to stop wanting these particular qualities. In fact, that wouldn't take evolving, but justrepparttar 123412 opposite!

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