6 Healthy Eating Tips for Active Adults

Written by Meri Raffetto RD

For active adults it’s important to make sure you are gettingrepparttar proper nutrition for your pre-meal and post-meal workouts. Here are 6 healthy eating tips to keep you on track!

Adequate Carbs! Withrepparttar 112944 latest low carb trend it can become difficult, to sayrepparttar 112945 least, to figure out what you should be eating especially if you are active! The truth is, when you exercise your muscle burns a type of carbohydrate called glycogen for fuel. To keep these important fuel levels optimal for peak performance, we must eat a diet rich in whole grains, beans, potatoes, and other high-carbohydrate foods. You can’t produce optimal glycogen stores with a high protein low carbohydrate diet. Go forrepparttar 112946 whole grains such as 100% whole wheat breads, brown rice, quinoa, or millet. Limitrepparttar 112947 ‘white’ refined products.

Protein Yes it is true, active people need more protein thanrepparttar 112948 average person. It is especially important after our workouts to repair muscle damage. Include lean meats, fish, soy, and eggs. Active people need about 3-4 three-ounce servings a day.

Eat Your Fruits and Veggies! When you exercise, you breathe harder taking in more oxygen. While you need oxygen to support life, it can become unstable inrepparttar 112949 body. Unstable oxygen can oxidize and damage your muscle cells which can bring on inflammation and soreness. You can protect yourself from oxidation by eating healthful amounts of antioxidants found in fruits and vegetables. Eat at least five fruits and vegetables a day!

The Low Carb Craze and Other Dieting Mistakes

Written by Bill Belfert

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The Low Carb Craze and Other Dieting Mistakes

By: Bill Belfert

Dear BMTers, Low carb this and low carb that…that’s all you hear nowadays. Kinda reminds me of something that wasrepparttar 112943 craze a few years ago…The Low or No Fat Craze…Can you remember where that got us? Still Fat!!! Well my friends this Low Carb Craze is going to bring us torepparttar 112944 same exact place…Yep…Still Fat! Listen, anyone who tries Low carb dieting will experience some Short Term success…but it’s only short term. I know some of you are tired of hearing me repeat myself but any diet or exercise machine in and of itself will not work! A successful Fitness Program must incorporate 5 Strategies: 1. A Compelling Reason to Change

2. Proper Nutrition

3. Progressive Resistance Training

4. Moderate Aerobic Exercise

5. Consistency

If you’re missing any one of these strategies you will not experiencerepparttar 112945 success that you crave.

Whyrepparttar 112946 Low Carb diets without Progressive Resistance Training will not work inrepparttar 112947 long run.

We need to build lean muscle on our bodies.

Why do we need to build lean muscle on our bodies? Building lean muscle will boost metabolism and that is what we want to achieve.

You’ll even start burning more calories even while you rest.

Right now I’m going to let you in on one ofrepparttar 112948 biggest secrets on burning fat ever revealed:

Lean Muscle Burns Fat!

And,repparttar 112949 more lean muscle you have,repparttar 112950 more fat you will burn. That is a statement that you can take torepparttar 112951 bank!

I guarantee it!

Listen, all these people that go on these Fad diets are really losing water and lean muscle weight. They Are Not Losing Any Fat Whatsoever!

How can they be if I just got finished telling you that in order for us to lose any fat,(and I did mean any fat!) you must have lean muscle tissue forrepparttar 112952 fat to go be burned up in?

Our bodies are smart; our fat just can’t go away it must be burned up in a muscle cell.

And if you’re not doing any Progressive Weight Resistance Training, well then, you’re not building any new lean muscle tissue. Which means, you guessed it…you won’t be burning fat any time soon!!!

Don’t you see? The people that go on these Fad (starvation) diets turn into “skinny fat” people. Sure they lose weight, but they loserepparttar 112953 wrong kind of weight.

Since these people usually don’t perform any weight resistance training and are only probably taking diet pills, and doing hours of aerobic exercise,

they are losing water (fromrepparttar 112954 low calorie, low carb diet) and lean muscle (from doing to much aerobic exercise and not havingrepparttar 112955 right amount andrepparttar 112956 proper ratios of food in their bodies).

So what is left?


They have no muscle tone whatsoever! What these people should be doing is learning how to lift weights and get stronger progressively!

The only way to do that is…

Get A Little Stronger Each And Every Workout

If you’re not getting stronger each and every workout than you are doing something wrong!

Then all you have to do is add:

A Compelling Reason to Change, Proper Nutrition, Moderate Aerobic Exercise, and Consistency to be Successful

A great example of dietingrepparttar 112957 wrong way in my opinion is Anna Nicole Smith’s recent “weight loss”.

From a distance she looks great! But get closer and clearrepparttar 112958 smoke and you will find that she transformed herself into what I explained before a “skinny fat person”.

Did you hear her interviewed lately on shows like Larry King Live and Regis and Kelly?

She says she takes Trim Spa’s Ephedra Free Diet Pills. And she eats like only once per day if she’s lucky. And I would bet my life, kids, wife, andrepparttar 112959 house that she never ever does a workout with weights on a consistent basis!!!

So let’s see what happened… Most people think that to lose excess body fat, they must stop eating altogether. This is where they are totally wrong.

Starvation…(what else would you call not eating?) triggers a metabolic response where, your metabolism will actually slow down and become more efficient in order to preserve body tissue inrepparttar 112960 case of a shortage of future nutrition.

This is precisely what we don’t want. Another way people think they’re “eating right” is having fruit & coffee for breakfast, a salad for lunch, and a bowl of pasta for dinner.

– Nope, that’s notrepparttar 112961 answer either. Some people don’t eat anythingrepparttar 112962 whole day and “save themselves” for a big huge dinner! That’s notrepparttar 112963 answer either.

To findrepparttar 112964 answer, you have to think back to caveman days. Back then, there were no supermarkets or convenience stores to easily get whatever you want and whenever you want it.

The caveman didn’t know when his next meal was coming. He only ate when he maderepparttar 112965 big kill and would literally gorge and overstuff himself until he couldn’t move! Why? Because he knew that he might not eat again for days or even worse…weeks.

What this did was make our bodies very bad at processing our food. Since our bodies didn’t know when we were going to eat next, they were forced to revert into something known as…

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