6 Fun Fitness Activities...

Written by Kathy Burns-Millyard

Exercising and staying fit doesn't have to mean hard work. Simply being active will help you get or stay in good shape. So with that said, here are some enjoyable activities that can help with your fitness goals too.


When you ask many adults whenrepparttar last time they rode a bike is, they cannot answer. Although bicycling is a favorite pastime, many adults do not take advantage of this great option for exercise. Not only does bike riding exerciserepparttar 113053 body and build a stronger cardiovascular system, it allows you to get out and enjoy nature, fresh air, and see new sites.

Jogging or Walking

Both jogging and walking are GREAT ways to get fit. Not only do they tonerepparttar 113054 muscles, relieve stress, create a healthier heart, and improve lung capability, they make you look wonderful, which in turns helps you get excited about doing other exercise for fitness activities.


Swimming is an excellent way to get into and stay in shape. If you do not own a pool, many high schools have aquatic centers, or there is alwaysrepparttar 113055 YWCA or YMCA, or your local gym. Many offer water aerobic classes that will help you tighten your body, lose weight, and get a good overall workout.

Tennis Anyone?

Tennis is not only a fun sport, but also a great way to exercise. You do not have to be a Venice Williams to play; in fact, you do not even have to be good. Just running afterrepparttar 113056 ball alone will help get you into shape. This is a great way to strengthen your cardiovascular system and lose weight. You can find tennis courts in just about every city and if you would like to play but have no idea how, lessons are reasonable.

Tip: Raquetball is sort of a "one person tennis". If you don't have someone to play tennis with, or you aren't feeling sociable, try raquetball instead.

Get Fat to Get Fit Fast

Written by Gregg Gillies

Getting enough ofrepparttar good fats will help you lose fat, build muscle, and recover faster from your workouts. In addition, it has myriad health benefits, including being good for your heart.

Good fats include: polyunsaturated (especially Omega-3's), such as those from fish and nuts, as well as monosaturated fats, such as those from peanut butter, olive oil, egg yolks, and fish oil.

Bad fats include saturated fats from things such as animal and coconut fats. Then there isrepparttar 113052 worst kind of fatrepparttar 113053 man made kind, trans fatty acids which can be found in our typical, of no redeeming value, junk foods such cookies, chips, fries and margarine.

Limit, if not stay completely away from,repparttar 113054 bad fats and try to get about 30 - 35% of your calories fromrepparttar 113055 good fats.

"Studies show that higher-fat diets make more sense for fit people than low-fat diets," says Liz Applegate, Ph.D., author of Encyclopedia of Sports & Fitness Nutrition. "In one study, endurance athletes ran up to 24 percent longer before they fatigued when they ate a diet that was above 30 percent fat compared to one that was below 20 percent," she says.

More importantly to most readers of this newsletter, researchers are now beginning to realizerepparttar 113056 fact that a nutrition plan high in repparttar 113057 good fats helpsrepparttar 113058 body to burn fat. Omega-3 fatty acids increase repparttar 113059 size of your cells' fuel-burning furnaces so your metabolic rate rises and you burn more calories every minute of every day.

Omega-3's also help your body's sensitivity to insulin. This helps your body store less fat. In addition,repparttar 113060 fat you do store is more readily and easily converted into energy and burned during activity. This keeps your blood sugar levels stable and keeps you away from those famed sugar crashes and cravings and irritable mood swings.

Another important exercise effect is that Omega-3's also help your body produce testosterone,repparttar 113061 hormone responsible for building new muscle. The late Dan Duchaine has calledrepparttar 113062 essential fatty acids repparttar 113063 most anabolic legal food supplement one can take to build muscle.

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