5 Ways to Make Your Resume Shine On-Line

Written by Sibylla Nash

The internet makes it possible to point and click your way into your dream position or a gig just to payrepparttar bills. On-line job boards such as Hotjobs.com receives over 7.5 million visitors each month making it easy to get lost inrepparttar 107035 mayhem ofrepparttar 107036 point and click stampede toward employment. Have no fear, there a few things you can do to get inrepparttar 107037 groove of this fast-paced job shuffle.

1.)Craft an eye-catching header. That single line inrepparttar 107038 header of your e-mail is valuable advertising space, it separates you from thousands of other job seekers, make it count.

2.)Use keywords. Craft your resume and cover letter usingrepparttar 107039 description fromrepparttar 107040 job posting. Include a “key words” section atrepparttar 107041 bottom of your resume, suggests Chris Jones, VP of Content at Hotjobs.com. Employers use automated systems to scan and flag resumes with certain key words.

3.)Target your search. Treat your job hunt as a planned, precise operation. Do your homework onrepparttar 107042 industry and target potential employers. Apply directly on their corporate web site.

CDL Practice Test – Offers practice tests to prepare for the CDL exam.

Written by John Lewis

CDL Practice Test – Offers practice tests to prepare forrepparttar CDL exam.

As you take CDL practice test, you do become more familiar withrepparttar 107034 CDL test, and being familiar withrepparttar 107035 test will makerepparttar 107036 actual test much less stressful.

In fact, if used correctly, CDL practice test can be an extremely targeted study tool that will precisely pinpointrepparttar 107037 areas in which you are weakest and then help you to learn how to combat and overcome those weaknesses. What if you take a CDL practice test and get 20 questions wrong, and your errors span a large number of different topics, from General Knowledge to Hazmat?

Well, you should take your test and study it. Identify every question you got wrong, figure out why you got it wrong, and then teach yourself what you should have done to getrepparttar 107038 question right.

Tips for Taking CDL Practice Test

Readrepparttar 107039 question carefully before you begin eliminating answers.

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