5 Ways to Increase Your Website Traffic

Written by Suzanne Morrison

I don't know about you, but when I first enteredrepparttar world of internet marketing I thought I could just submit my newly finished website to a few search engines, then sit back asrepparttar 124662 visitors flocked to my site.

I imagined that people would arrive on my website, as if by magic, purchase goods, and perhaps come back again for more.

A week or so later I came down to earth with a big bump.

I realised that it would take a bit of time and effort to seerepparttar 124663 results that I was dreaming about!

Since my reality check, I have learned all aboutrepparttar 124664 weird and wonderful ways of internet marketing.

In this article I will tell you about my top 5 free ways of increasing website traffic. All these methods are completely free and if you spend some time on them you will find that they work consistently.

(1)Writing Articles

Writing an article on a subject related to your website and getting that article published has two major benefits:

- People who are interested in your article will read it and often click onrepparttar 124665 URL in your resource box find out more. This gets you another free targeted visitor. Targeted, because that reader wants to find out more onrepparttar 124666 subject of your article, which is hopefully related torepparttar 124667 subject of your website.

- Every publisher of your article must also publish your "resource box". Adding a resource box with your URL to all of your articles will increaserepparttar 124668 number of links leading back to your website, which in turn helps to increase your search engine position

You will find a list of article directories to submit your articles to here.

(2)Forum Networking There are many discussion forums onrepparttar 124669 internet, on every topic you could possibly imagine.

Most discussion boards allow posters to attach a "Signature" with their post containing additional information about themselves, such as their name, URL and sometimes even an advertisement.

By visiting a few forums regularly and participating inrepparttar 124670 discussions, asking and answering questions, you can build up trust with other forum members, whilst atrepparttar 124671 same time getting free exposure for your website.

Just try to make a useful contribution torepparttar 124672 forum - be sure to readrepparttar 124673 forum rules and don't spam!

(3)Reciprocal Linking

Reciprocal linking has two main benefits for you.

Firstly,repparttar 124674 more links that you exchange,repparttar 124675 more chance there is that someone will follow a link from another site and land on your website.

Secondly, your website will be perceived more importantly by search engines.

The more links you have from other sites,repparttar 124676 greater your chance of getter ranked more highly by allrepparttar 124677 search engines.

Here are some Dos and Don'ts to help you get more out of your link exchanges.

- Do link with sites that will be of interest to your visitors.

Internet marketing is easy... when you break down those defences

Written by Christopher Kyalo

The net is full of people who have failed in their marketing.

These people have not failed because they are not smart. Heck they are more rocket scientists out there than you can imagine.

Their internet marketing is not successful simply because they've failed to recognize two critical facts.

Yep. Just two miserable, but critical facts aboutrepparttar net.

The first fact is thatrepparttar 124661 internet is an improved version ofrepparttar 124662 telephone and not ofrepparttar 124663 television. That means that in your internet marketing you should userepparttar 124664 web more like repparttar 124665 most advanced telephone on earth. Readrepparttar 124666 full article at either of these links;


or this one:

http://www.ideamarketers.com/library/article.cfm?articleid= 34087&wherefrom=LOGIN

The other thing is that you must be aware ofrepparttar 124667 heavy defences prospective clients onrepparttar 124668 net place against any internet marketing aimed at them.

Use yourself to do some extremely important research that could be worth a fortune to you. How do you react torepparttar 124669 following offline situations?

How do you react when a stranger approaches you and tries to sell something to you? How do you treat door-to-door sales people?

Hold on to your answer and let us go torepparttar 124670 next part of this important experiment.

How do you react inrepparttar 124671 two cases above even when you needrepparttar 124672 particular product being sold?

In most casesrepparttar 124673 initial reaction isrepparttar 124674 same, we build up a defensive mechanism against anybody who wants to sell us something. The shrinks will have better words to describerepparttar 124675 whole thing but forrepparttar 124676 benefit of this article what you need to understand is that by simply breaking down these defences, you greatly and dramatically increase your chances of making a sale. Breaking down these defences is not a very diffult feat to accomplish.

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