5 Ways to Drive Sales with Online Publicity

Written by Lois Carter Fay, APR

Publicity is one ofrepparttar key components in any marketing and sales plan...because your customers and prospects have to KNOW about you in order to buy from you. Besidesrepparttar 124835 traditional news release, here are 5 online publicity ideas to help you drive sales for your product or service:

--Use Others to Promote You

Create something "viral"--or something that people LOVE to pass on to their friends and associates--and you can really rake inrepparttar 124836 sales. When you think "viral," think fun, useful or something that everyone wants. For instance,repparttar 124837 free email service Hotmail continues to grow because it is accessible from any computer and it adds a footer touting its free service on every email that is sent. Why does Hotmail do this? Because it gets all its users to come torepparttar 124838 Hotmail website to retrieve their email. Hotmail can charge premium prices for its ads and create other revenue streams because it has so many users.

--Write Articles for Online Outlets

When you write articles for online publications and people then use a search engine to find out about you, your company, your products, or evenrepparttar 124839 general subject, your article will likely be returned inrepparttar 124840 search results. That means that more people will learn about you, andrepparttar 124841 more who know about you,repparttar 124842 more sales you will make. There are many, many places that you can write and submit articles that highlight your products and services.

Just go to http://www.google.com or another search engine and search for publications about your industry. Often, print publications also have an online outlet so start with these if you don't know where to begin. Remember to get and followrepparttar 124843 writer's guidelines for greatest success.

--Post Comments on Listservs

It's likely that every industry today has some sort of listserv (or ongoing chat among members) that you can join. Don't jump right in torepparttar 124844 conversations, however; "lurk" or readrepparttar 124845 ongoing emails for awhile before you begin to post comments. As time goes on, if you can add something torepparttar 124846 conversation, do so whenever possible. Always remember to include your name, company, tagline and website in every post.

The Number One Reason Most Websites Fail

Written by Michael Cheney, magnet4web.com (c)

Failure, just like success, is measured differently by each and every one of us. What one man treats as success another may view as failure. Forrepparttar purposes of this article a website that fails is one that fails to attract and convert enough targeted visitors into paying customers. Yeah - positive feedback from your website visitors is great but let's face it - we're all in this ultimately to make more money.

Websites do fail. Lots of them fail. You will see many of them every day. Some of them fail to inspire or enthuse. Some fail to get found at all. Some fail to get completed. Some fail to understandrepparttar 124834 needs ofrepparttar 124835 people visiting them. But there is an underlying common reason for all these failings..

"A Website? Yeah - We Got One Of Those Three Years Ago" I guarantee you will have heard something similar to this statement before. Some people takerepparttar 124836 viewpoint that a website is something that gets done,repparttar 124837 box gets ticked and that's it taken care of. They get a website because everyone else has one and it seems likerepparttar 124838 right thing to do. They don't have a better reason than that. The information they put onrepparttar 124839 website is copied directly out of their latest brochure complete with company history, MD's mug shot and crappy photo ofrepparttar 124840 offices. And that's it. The site goes live and they tickrepparttar 124841 box..

"The Internet Sucks - We Don't Get Any Business From It" That's what these people say three years after their brochure website went live. It's been unchanged in all that time, it uses Frames, has a counter on it, has some 'funky' scrolling text acrossrepparttar 124842 top and an early 90s colour scheme. Why on earth haven't they got any business from it?! And this my friends, isrepparttar 124843 number one reason most websites fail -repparttar 124844 business owners treatrepparttar 124845 decision to get a website like it'srepparttar 124846 least important thing they will ever do. A necessary evil that has to be completed to keep up with current trends. Businesses like this will never get any business from their website and they don't deserve to!

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