5 Ways to Build a Downline

Written by Natalie White

We all know that joining an affiliate program is worth absolutely nothing unless you have a significant sales force under your belt to promote it and build your income... You join a program, you get a replicated website with your affiliate info, they give you ads to promote, and all that good stuff...

You're all excited (you're going to get some money!), but what now??? It's like giving you an arsenal of weapons, but then leaving you in a gigantic field, telling you to go get them!!! Get whom? Go where and How? OK! You start running in all directions, getting tired byrepparttar minute.

The Internet can berepparttar 116681 most confusing and distracting place you will ever be in... what you need is guidance and focus.

Downline building is a numbers game... A lot, and I mean ALOT of affiliates who signup will do nothing short of nothing, really! 5 to 10% of all signups will actually do what it takes to succeed... The rest, well, they signup and wait to earn money while doing nothing. So when I say it's a numbers game, I meanrepparttar 116682 more you recruit,repparttar 116683 more chances you have of finding diamonds inrepparttar 116684 rough...

I will give you 5 ways to start building your downline empire...

1. Advertise in Ezines Find Ezines or Newsletter directly related to what you're advertising. If you're advertising a Home Business Affiliate Program, find Ezines that are related to Home Business Opportunities, since it's readers subscribed to be informed of money making opportunities. Remember to keep track of your advertisement's performance, so you can weed outrepparttar 116685 ezines that are not providing a good response.

2. Pay-Per-Click PPC is a great way to bring in affiliates. By bidding on a particular keyword or phrase, you can target exactlyrepparttar 116686 people wanting to register to your affiliate program. Well researched keyword bidding can turn out to be your best investment ever, if you know how... There are many good books onrepparttar 116687 subject. There's one called "PPC Dynamic" inrepparttar 116688 "Promotion Guide" Section of my website for FREE (see resource box for address), if you need to refer to it.

Holiday Gift Giving Tips

Written by La Tunya Sifford

Holiday Gift Giving Tips

Its that time of year again folks! The gift giving season is fastly approaching us, and even with this economy we should still start planning our gift giving. As begin to plan for gifts for our loved ones, it can be very easy to overlook our valued clients and employees who have helped in our businesses to grow! As a business owner myself, we really don't have much time to set aside for employee/client gifts. Here in this article I will give you some simple tips on how to stand out and be remembered for your unique and personal recognition of staff, clients, and your loved ones.

Suggested Client Gifts 1. Gift Baskets- Give a client or business partner a lovely gift baskets with items that have company's logo or message on it. 2. Custom imprinted candy jars with with delicious candies. 3. Gift Certificates to a leading restaurant. 4. Gift Towers- Filled with candies, nuts, cookies, gourmet items, etc....

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