5 Ways To Reduce Holiday Stress

Written by JoAnna Carey

Are those bells ringing in your ears a sign of holiday cheer or a sign of too much stress? Don't let this Holiday Season slip by in a blur of over scheduling. Commit to making changes -- one step at a time and you'll discoverrepparttar gift of a more enjoyable year-end celebration. As you jugglerepparttar 101384 complexities of work, home and family, here are 5 simple steps that may help you become as jolly as ol' St. Nick.

5. Develop an list of everything you would like to do THIS Holiday Season, then prioritize in order to getrepparttar 101385 most amount of joy fromrepparttar 101386 limited amount of time you have to spend with family, friends and coworkers. Remember, this year's priorities may look different than those of holidays past!

4. Express gratitude. What a great time of year to thank all of those people who make your life worth living! Don't letrepparttar 101387 hustle and bustle ofrepparttar 101388 season steal away your opportunity to be thankful forrepparttar 101389 people, experiences and events (both good and bad) that made this year unique and memorable. If you're sending greeting cards, why not add a personalized message about why you are thankful for havingrepparttar 101390 recipient in your life.

3. Learn to say NO -- put YOU first sometimes. It's ok to say no! I repeat: it is ok to say NO! Schedule some "alone time" duringrepparttar 101391 holidays so you can reducerepparttar 101392 temptation to take on too many responsibilities that may cause a meltdown atrepparttar 101393 worst possible moment.

2. Choose your battles wisely. Asrepparttar 101394 end ofrepparttar 101395 year quickly approaches, you may be pulled in too many directions and it may be impossible for you to attend every get together. Holidays are often full of over taxed emotions so, rather than succumbing to a confrontation, try to approach each situation as an opportunity to accommodaterepparttar 101396 most important needs of those involved. Express your opinion aboutrepparttar 101397 little things that are causing extra stress instead of hiding those emotions that may cause your temper to reachrepparttar 101398 boiling point.

Looking for personal checks?

Written by Robb Ksiazek

Are you wanting to order checks or home office supplies, but not sure where to begin? There are a few things that you’ll want to have handy before placing your personal check order. The first thing you will do when visiting one of our online merchants is sift throughrepparttar many designs. NASCAR, Christian, Harley Davidson, NFL, and scenic getaways are just a few ofrepparttar 101383 possibilities. After you have found your favorite design,repparttar 101384 next thing you will need is to completerepparttar 101385 order page.

It is a good idea to have a deposit slip handy to provide your bank’s information. You will need your routing number, account number, and bank’s address. Your routing number isrepparttar 101386 set of numbers starting onrepparttar 101387 left side. The account number isrepparttar 101388 second set of numbers, afterrepparttar 101389 routing numbers.

Also consider what type of personal information to provide: address, phone numbers, or driver’s license numbers are a few possibilities. Most people choose to provide their home address and phone number, although, many people are including their drivers license number as many stores now require it. If you are not comfortable adding your drivers license number, usually they will record it when you are atrepparttar 101390 register.

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