1) Create An Irresistible Offer To Grab Your Prospects Email AddressesAn auto responder won’t work unless you can get it into your prospects email boxes, right? So, you’ve really got to make an irresistible, no risk offer if you want to get your message in front of
majority of visitors.
Offer a free ebook, report, test drive, course, or anything else that’s low cost for you, has a high level of interest for prospects, and can be delivered automatically. You might even write an accompanying sales letter to increase desire for your free offer.
I’ve found that some on
internet are hesitant about handing over their email addresses, just as some are reluctant to enter their credit card number. You have to break through this roadblock by offering them something they just can’t live without.
2) Get Your Messages Opened By Writing Irresistible Subject Lines
Another roadblock that your autoresponder faces is that people don’t have
time to read all
spam, ezines, offers, and autoresponders they sign up for. Yours has to engage them by
subject line alone and needs to force them to open
email to satisfy their curiosity.
Two successful techniques to get emails open include:
* Creating a 7-day course, and mentioning that this is
next part in
complete course.
* Writing a benefit heavy subject line that speaks directly speaks to your target audience
3) Use Your Prospects Names In The Email Subject And Body
Nothing grabs attention quicker than mentioning your prospects name. And with capabilities to automatically include names and other personal information about your prospects, it’s a smart move to personalize each message so
reader feels like it came fresh from your keyboard to their email boxes.