5 Tips for Treatment of Dry Skin

Written by Maja Gabric Zirchelbach, MD

Skin asrepparttar largest organ ofrepparttar 114079 body is also one ofrepparttar 114080 most vulnerable to abuse.

Approximately 30% of adults have dry skin which often appears rough, tight, dull in color - with visible fine lines and wrinkles. Although there are several factors that result in dry skin - includingrepparttar 114081 genetic ones - this can be greatly caused by environmental factors (wind, sun, heat).

So,repparttar 114082 question is how to treat dry skin properly to significantly improve its look and its condition as well.

- Reducerepparttar 114083 frequency of washing

Did you know that washing by its definition is actually - drying ?

Washing removesrepparttar 114084 surface lipid film, along with environmental contaminants, sweat, sebum, peeled cells, and microorganisms.

Thus people with dry skin need to reducerepparttar 114085 frequency of washing and - lubricaterepparttar 114086 skin afterwards.

- Avoid soaps

The alkalinity of soaps disturbsrepparttar 114087 normal acidity (acid mantle) of repparttar 114088 skin thus leading to dryness.

Therefore people with dry and sensitive skin should use a soap-free cleanser. There are a number of synthetic detergents available that clean as well as soaps but are adjusted so that they do not alterrepparttar 114089 skin surface pH.

Some are combined with oils so that they lubricaterepparttar 114090 skin as they wash. Nonetheless, if one washes too often, dryness can also results with these products.

It is very important to have a skin care regime that you follow daily.

- Apply creamy cleansers

Accurate cleaning may increaserepparttar 114091 tenderness and smoothness of your skin, so...

...choose a creamy cleanser and leave it on for at least ten minutes when cleaning dry skin. Let your skin soak up some nourishment before sweeping it away with cotton pad !

Splash your face with cool water to remove redundant cleanser and to refresh your skin, then put on a nourishing cream to seal moisture intorepparttar 114092 upper levels of your skin. Personally, I don't recommend tonic for dry skin even if it doesn't contentrepparttar 114093 alcohol.



DENVER – Sometimes as Freud once said a good cigar is just a smoke. A headache, onrepparttar other hand, occasionally can be a sign of something much more serious than just a headache.

This is particularly true if it is accompanied by facial pain, neck and shoulder pain, tinnitus or ringing inrepparttar 114078 ears and unexplained loose teeth. These symptoms, along with jaw pain, limited jaw movement or locking jaw, numbness inrepparttar 114079 fingers and arms, worn or cracked teeth and clicking or popping inrepparttar 114080 jaw joints can be signs that a person hasrepparttar 114081 condition called temporomandibular joint syndrome or TMJ. The condition occurs whenrepparttar 114082 teeth, facial muscles and temporomandibular joints are out of alignment.

Fortunately, neuromuscular dentistry can help alleviate symptoms such as headaches, neck and shoulder pain, jaw pain, clicking or popping inrepparttar 114083 jaw and tinnitus – another

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