5 Tips To Lower Your Cholesterol

Written by Tony Newton

Cholesterol has been around for thousands of years. It's a natural function ofrepparttar human body. Unfortunately, most people aren't even aware they have high cholesterol until they have a heart attack or stroke. It is possible to have up to 80 percent closure ofrepparttar 137419 arteries without ever feeling a single symptom! Here are 5 tips you can use straight away to start lowering your cholesterol today:

1. Reduce fat in your diet.

Buyrepparttar 137420 leanest cuts of meat you can find. Regularly substitute poultry (withoutrepparttar 137421 skin) and fish for red meat. Both are lower in saturated fat. Switch to low fat cottage cheese and yogurt, reduced fat hard cheeses and skim or 1 percent milk.

2. Eat no more than four egg yolks a week.

Many people don't have to worry about eating cholesterol. Normal bodies adjust to increased intake by cutting back on regular product. However, since one third of Americans are cholesterol responders their blood cholesterol does go up when they eat cholesterol. You probably don't know if you fall into this category so play it safe. Eat no more than four egg yolks a week. An average egg yolk contains 213 milligrams of cholesterol!

3. Eliminate fried foods.

Buying low fat is justrepparttar 137422 beginning. You need to institute low fat cooking methods to keeprepparttar 137423 cholesterol from sneaking back in to your diet. Remove fatty skin from chicken and turkey. Don't fry foods. Roast, bake, broil, grill or poach them instead. Use fat free marinades or basting with liquids like wine, tomato or lemon juice. Use olive or canola oils for sautéing or baking. Both are very low in saturated fat. Use diet, tub or squeeze margarines instead of regular. Watch forrepparttar 137424 term "hydrogenated," which means some ofrepparttar 137425 fat is saturated.

Men And Food Allergies What's Healthy and What's Not Part1

Written by Robert Walker

The Basics of Food Allergies In Men

Allergies affectrepparttar lives of millions of people aroundrepparttar 137393 world. Fresh flowers, a friend’s cat

or dog, even dust can make people itch, sneeze and scratch almost uncontrollably. But what about

that seemingly innocent peanut butter sandwich, glass of milk or fish fillet? Learn more about

food allergies and steps you can take to reduce your risk of exposure to potentially dangerous

food allergens.

The Basics Common Symptoms of Food Allergies Most Common Food Allergens Diagnosing Food Allergy Treatment for Food Allergies Other Resources E-mail this Information to A Friend

The Basics Each year more than 50 million Americans suffer from a variety of allergic diseases such as;

atopic dermatitis and other eczemas, hives, allergies to venom of stinging insects (honeybees,

wasps, and fire ants), allergic drug reactions and food allergies. According torepparttar 137394 National

Institutes of Health, approximately 5 million Americans, (5 to 8% of children and 1 to 2% of adults) have a true food allergy.

Food Allergy vs. Food Intolerance

Food allergy, also called food hypersensitivity,is a reaction ofrepparttar 137395 body’s immune system to

something in a food or an ingredient in a food usually a protein. Food allergens are not broken

down by cooking orrepparttar 137396 digestive process. As a result, they enterrepparttar 137397 bloodstream and cause

allergic reactions throughoutrepparttar 137398 body. Food allergies can cause life-threatening reactions.

Other reactions to foods are called food intolerances or food idiosyncrasies. Food intolerance is

an adverse reaction to a food substance or additive that does not involverepparttar 137399 immune system.

These reactions are generally localized, temporary, and rarely life threatening. Lactose

intolerance is an example of food intolerance.

Note: It is very important for individuals who have true food allergies to identify them and

prevent allergic reactions to food because these reactions can cause serious illness and, in some

cases, be fatal. Common Symptoms of Food Allergies Symptoms of food allergy differ greatly among individuals. They can also differ inrepparttar 137400 same

person during different exposures. Allergic reactions to food can vary in severity, time of

onset, and may be affected by whenrepparttar 137401 food was eaten.

Common symptoms may include: skin irritations such as rashes, hives and eczema, and

gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea, diarrhea and vomiting. Sneezing, runny nose and shortness of breath can also result from food allergy. Some individuals may experience a more severe reaction called anaphylaxis – a rare but

potentially fatal condition which may include swelling ofrepparttar 137402 throat, difficulty breathing,

lowered blood pressure and unconsciousness. Symptoms usually appear rapidly, sometimes within minutes of exposure torepparttar 137403 allergen. Seek immediate medical attention – standard emergency treatment often includes an injection of

epinephrine (adrenaline) to open uprepparttar 137404 airway and blood vessels.

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Most Common Food Allergens The eight most common food allergens include:

Milk (including yogurt and ice cream, and anything that is made with milk) eggs peanuts tree nuts (such as walnuts and almonds) soy wheat fish shellfish (such as shrimp, crayfish, lobster, and crab) Note: These food allergens cause more than 90% of all food allergic reactions. However, many

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